"Yea, mane." He chuckled as he drove the abnormally quiet streets of New Orleans.

"Can you give me a reason ta why tho?" He asked back.

"When you find you a good'un, you keep ha 'round fa as long you can." He stopped at a red light looking towards August who stared back at him, "If that mean I gotta put a rang onnit, I'ma do just that."

"How you kno' she da one? You only twenty-fo'." August pointed out.

"She got my seeds, Yung." Mel explained. "Not one, not two, but three of 'em. If that ain't a sign I'on kno' what is."

"Nah, man you just eitha deep in love a'deep in that puss—" "Anthony." Mel cut in stopping him for finishing his words.

He know the way his brother was set up, and it wouldn't be any good words either.

"My bad, I just don't see how it'ca be that good. I mean you tyin' yaself ta one girl fa tha rest of ya life."

"Its commitment bruh, learn ta have some." Mel eyed August as he drove aimlessly through the streets.

"How I'ma kno' when I find dat shit. I mean, fa future references." August turned to Mel for his famous brotherly advice. "Aug too reckless right na."

"You just kno'" Mel tapped on August's temple. "You drop all da hoes, you willing ta give up what tha hoes offa. You change, you grow, you become a real nigga."

"No hoes fa tha rest of ya life huh?" August rubbed his bare chin. "Lifetime commitment..."

"It might not even be a lifetime commitment wit me if I'm bein' honest. Hopefully she'll find someone afta me ta commit dey life ta ha."

"What you talkin' bout Mel, don't be on that dyin' shit again." August shook his head. "You ain't goin' nowhea'.

"Look all I'm sayin' is, niggas don't make it ta twenty-five outchea."

"We gon' make it aight? We gon' out live all deez niggas outcha!" August hyped himself up about it, earning a laugh from his brother.

He thought about how his brother never lived to propose to Chandra due to somebody else's mistake.

"You know he made it right?" Cydney brought August back to reality with her words. "You guys never said where y'all were gonna make it, y'all just said y'all were gonna make it out of New Orleans."

She had a point, August thought. He took another hit from his blunt, something he forgot about while she spoke to him. He coughed a little, leaning back in his seat.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah," he spoke quickly, not wanting to worry her anymore.

"Oh so I finally get a word from you, how blessed am I?" She joked earning another laugh which caused August to choke as he inhaled.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She asked again, laughing herself.

"I'm fine, baybeh." He paused looking at the blunt, "You eva smoked befo'?"

Book 1: She's a Keeper | August Alsina (fin)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon