08| Private chat

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Kit Kat 🍫
You know, I never thought that by posting a photo of you this would happen

And what were you expecting?

Kit Kat🍫
Not this

Kit Kat 🍫
I know you're not ready for this.
All these shipnames and all...
Especially after Brian. And I know that you think that Chris is only a flirter but it won't hurt you to flirt back, you know?

Kit Kat 🍫
I'm not saying you should use Chris to get over Brian, but he's a funny guy and a couple of laughs now and then could do you good.

I get that
I swear.
And you know I wouldn't use him. That's not me.
It's just... I guess I'm scared.

But let's not talk about that!
How are things with Sebastian? 😉

Kit Kat 🍫
Things are great.
I really love him, you know? These past 5 months have been amazing.

Yeah? That's great, darling.
I love seeing you happy. If it depended on me you would always be smiling.
Have you told him?

Kit Kat🍫

Is it because of his stupid ex?
'Cos let me tell you, you're much better than her.
Who even names a child that?!

Kit Kat🍫
I honestly don't know
And it's not because of her.
Thing is, what if I scare him away?

Are you kidding me?!
He's smitten!
Go tell him, woman!

Kit Kat 🍫
You know what?
I'm going to do it!


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