I got to my locker and turned the dial for my combination before opening it and taking out my books. I had just gotten everything I needed when two girls ran up to me.

“Hey, Travis is it true what happened to Evelyn?” they asked. I could see some other people standing by waiting for me to deny or confirm the rumor.

“Who told you?” I narrowed my eyes at them.

“Everyone knows.” One of them waved me off. “But is it true?”

“You aren’t even her friends, are you? I don’t know who told you or what they said but it would do you well not to listen to the stories of idiots.” I barked. “Leave us the hell alone.”

“Wow, harsh.” The other girl said. I ignored them both and pushed my way through the throng of people that were scattered in the hallway.

I ran outside not caring about anything in that moment. I needed some fresh air and space to breath. It seemed like the more people questioned me about things, the more withdrawn I became. Whether they knew the real story or not, they’d always end up coming to me to confirm whether their latest rumor is true or just another plot to get in on the gossip.

As soon as the cool air touched my skin I took a deep breath. I was standing on the top step just outside the door and I closed my eyes and relished in the little freedom I seemed to have. It was quieter out here, hardly any kids walking around and one or two cars that would pass by every couple of minutes. It was peaceful and calm, just what the doctor ordered.

I moved down the steps and walked across the school yard towards the field. I sat myself down below and old tree that hardly anyone came near. Even the seniors wouldn’t come near here because of the human bones that were buried here as a sacrifice a few decades ago. I had to admit, that was one of Adrian’s best rumors yet.

As I enjoyed what little shade I had, I let my mind start to wonder. What the hell I was doing with my life? I couldn't understand why this was so difficult. What was I doing wrong? I've tried everything to make things better or at least seem like they were but nothing seemed to be doing the trick.

I sighed and closed my eyes as I rested my head back against the tree. I felt like no one understood what we were going through right now. I doubted that they ever would. 

The sound of leaves crunching nearby alerted me of someone's presence. I opened one eye and was met with faded blue jeans. I glanced up and saw Brock standing in front of me.

"Hey, what are you doing out here all on your own?" he asked with a slight hint of worry.

"I'm not alone. Not really." I replied.

"No?" I shook my head. "Care to elaborate?"

"I'm with my thoughts and they won't leave me alone, no matter how much I want them to."

"That seems like a major pain in the ass. You could tell me a few of those thoughts. Maybe that would take some of the tension off you." he suggested

I eyed him. "You're serious?"

He nodded. "Sure, why not? It's not like I have anything else to do. I'd be glad to keep you company. Unless you like the thoughts, then I could leave."

"No, it's fine. You can stay." he smiled at me. "Wow, where should I start?"

"Any where’s fine. Some people usually prefer to start at the beginning." He pulled out a pack of cigarettes. "You don't mind right?"

"No, go ahead. Uh, well Landon and I broke up." I figured talking about me would steer the thoughts of Evelyn's situation away, at least for a while.

Nothing's Ever Easy [BoyxBoy]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें