
So this is the boyfriend?

"Stop asking Harry for money." He demands. Hannah throws her head back and barks a laugh, the man next to her sniggering.

"Now, why on Earth would I do that?"

"Because if you truly loved Harry like you say you do, if you care about him that much then you'd have a little bit of respect for him left." Niall replies softly.

"Ah, see that's the difference between you and I. I stopped caring about Harry a long time ago."

Niall is fuming. 

"You've got him wrapped around your little finger and he doesn't even see it! There you go again, taking advantage of him!" Niall exclaimed, fisting the brick wall next to him and punching it, causing his knuckles to bleed but he doesn't care. He'll feel the pain later.

Hannah cocks her head to the side and smiles innocently. She's about to open her mouth to speak when there's the sound of an engine rev and as Niall turns around, he sees Harry driving up to them and parking up next to them alongside the kerb.

"Get in the car Niall." Harry demands as he steps out, swinging the passenger door open for him but Niall ignores him, standing his ground.

"Ah, look at that. Styles coming to save the day. You have the money, I take it?" She asks hopefully.

"Niall." Harry warns carefully. Niall huffs and brushes pasts his boyfriend, heading into the passenger seat of Harry's car.

"That's cute. You protecting him like that." Hannah compliments and Harry rolls his eyes.

"You can kiss your money goodbye." Harry says and Hannah frowns.

"How so?"

"Stay away from Niall and I'll think about it. That means no more pictures." Harry explains. Hannah purses her lips.

Niall stares out the window from the car, peering curiously and anxiously at them both but Harry's back is turned to him, blocking his view fro Harry's face and Hannah.

"Hmm. No can do."

"Then no money. Your choice."

Harry walks away without another word, ignoring the cold, hard stares from Hannah and her boyfriend. Harry gets into the car and drives off with Niall.

"What did you say to her?" Niall asks curiously as Harry approaches a junction.

"I told her no money." Harry replies simply.

"Good." Niall says firmly, nodding knowingly.

Harry frowns suddenly and takes hand off the gear stick to slide his fingers through Niall's, turning Niall's palm over to examine his bruised knuckles.

"Who did you punch?" Harry asks amusingly.

"The wall." Niall grunts, earning a chuckle from Harry.

"Stray away from her, Niall. You don't know what she's like." Harry sighs, unravelling his hand from Niall's.

"I do now." Niall muses but Harry purses his lips.

"No. I mean it this time. I don't want you getting hurt." 

"I can take care of myself." 

Harry exhales sharply and turns his head to face the road. He knows now that Niall is stubborn about these kind of things and he wasn't going to let go very easily. It was strange how they had been dating for months now but still, they were finding more and more about each other. What Niall likes and what he doesn't like and vice versa. Yes, relationships are complicated but there's always a balance. A compromise, somewhere where they can meet half way.

Suppose that's what you could say what Harry was doing with Hannah.


"It's funny," Harry muses.

Niall looks up.

"What is?"

"You punch walls when you're jealous and I break glasses." Harry grins. They both erupt into a fit of giggles as Harry parks outside Niall's flat. Harry sighs while turning the key in the car, setting his car into gear as the engine dies down. They sit in a comfortable silence in which Niall looks hesitantly up to his flat, as if he really didn't want to leave Harry. Which he didn't.

"Take care of yourself, yeah?"

Niall nods and kisses Harry on the cheek, waving goodbye to him before heading out to his flat.


Sorry it's a bit short...

Let me know what you think! Feedback would be much appreciated :)

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