The Act Of Disappearance

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***Tony's POV***

"Care to explain why he just up and left?" I asked Xander. 

"Fleeria," he muttered.

"What's a Fleeria?" 

"It's a planet. His planet. He is the king there, and the Ithra, his sworn enemies are taking over."

" if that was Eirwen, where is Percy?"

"It's Percy's body. They just change their appearances and act differently. At least that's what I think happens," he explained. 

"So basically, he's sharing his body with three people?" Bruce asked.


"Himself, Eirwen, and Joker." 

"That never crossed my mind," Xander admitted. 

"Really? I thought that you thought about that," Doc piped up. 

"Not really, smart ass," Xander grumbled. 

"Xander! Language," Doc sassed. 

"You aren't Percy, you can't sass me!" 

"Really? Why not?"

"Because I can only call one person Persassy!" 

"Persassy?" I asked. 

"Percy's usually really sassy, so we call him Persassy. Or, we used to." 

"Used to...Xander, you make it sound like you're from another time," Bruce said.

"Kind of am, I suppose."

"What's that mean?" 

"I was killed, but a very powerful being names Chaos brought me back to life to be his commander in his army. I expelled myself from that division. If I go within fifteen feet from anyone other than Percy or Sebastian, then I will choke to death from the lack of air circulation in my body," Xander said. "Oh. My real name is Luke." 

I nodded at him, then turned to Doc. "I joined the unit. Once I felt that these two had expelled themselves, I stormed in to Chaos's office and basically dragged him in the dirt." 

"What did you say?" Luke asked, amused. 

"Something along the lines of, 'WHERE THE HELL IS HE?' then he said, 'Doc, don't do anything you might regret!' I then said, 'Too freaking late!'. I then expelled myself with the consequence of drowning if I go any closer to them than fifteen feet."

"Nice way to storm out," Luke commented. 

"I like to go out with a bang, what can I say?" he paused. "My name is Sebastian, in case you didn't know." 

"I think I already knew that..." I muttered.

***Percy's POV***

"Are you sure that this is the right area?" Artemis asked me, glancing in the bunker. 

"They'll be here," I replied, walking into the bunker. I was greeted by my two assassins. "Told you that they'd be here," I remarked to Artemis.

"Shut it, Snowflake King," she grumbled. I hid a smile. Aw, she finally came up with something to call me other than Eirwen. 

"Jealous much?" I teased. 

"You know, for a king, you are really immature," she replied. 

"Just because I am a king doesn't mean that I can't have my moments to be immature. We all have those moments." 

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