Death Force

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Heard of the expression, 'Life flashes before your eyes'? Yeah...That just happened. But the odd thing was that I couldn't see anything but darkness. Strange.

I woke up shaking, my hands flickering in between grey and normal. This was beyond odd. I took in my surroundings, the infirmary. I sat up, then looked down at my body. It was doing the same as my hands. How do I hide this? I grabbed my old sword and peered out of the window. No one was guarding the door, so I ran for it. I ran into the bushes next to the tent, then slowly, made my way for the border. As soon as I went out into the open, I sprinted as fast as I could. I knew all too well that my eye color was wavering. I, surprisingly, became accustomed to it.

I just reached the border separating Camp Half Blood from the rest of the world when something hit me in the back. Crap. It was a Minotaur. And it was chasing me. I spun on my heel and charged. I landed on its head, then stabbed it.

It crumpled to the ground, in a pile of dust. I fell, then landed in the dust pile. I shook myself off, and continued on my quest to Tartarus.

***A few days later***

Man, this avoid death and everyone else, is hard. Extremely hard! I almost revealed my true self once. I left Riptide in the dust pile along with some blood. I ,somehow, managed to create another body of mine. It was identical to me, and I smeared it with blood to make people think that I died once and for all.

I sat down on the hillside, waiting for the sun to set. That's when I move. Like a bird, I migrate. Only, I don't fly. Yeah, no.

I curled up into a ball and fell asleep for the remainder of the time.

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