The Visit

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***Percy's P.O.V***

"Watch out!" a voice rang through my head.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I asked, somewhat frightened.

"Turn around! An Empousa and an Arai are standing right behind you!" I turned around sharply. Just to turn face to face with those monsters. I yelled at the top of my lungs. A growl split through my head. "Do you have a weapon?!"

"No! Sorry, I was busy faking my death!" I shouted to the voice in my head. The monsters looked at each other in confusion, and I took that chance to sprint out of their grasps.

***A long run later***

I finally lost them, after running for an hour straight. I slowed my pace and took in a deep breath. A person across the street looked at me suspiciously, as if I did something wrong.

"Are you Perseus Jackson?" A voice asked from behind. I turned slowly.

"Depends on who's asking. Who are you?" I asked, ready to run again.

"Do not fear me, I am someone that you can trust, I promise." There was something about the person's voice made me look at them in the eyes. I took a step back. It was a...clown. Weird.

"Are you a clown of some sort?"

"A clown...a joker, what's the difference?" the voice laughed maniacally.

"Are you..."

"The Joker?" I nodded. "Yes, Perseus, I am."

"What happened to your face?"

"You like it? It is a piece of art, is it not?" I didn't know how to respond.

"How do you know me?" I asked.

"I know lots of things about you, Perce. Where you live, who your father is, who betrayed you, and who you happen to love."

"I don't love anyone!" I growled.

"Easy tiger! You may not know now, but you will find that person."

My mind went blank with emotion.

He knows who I am.

He'll tell them!

I have to kill him before he can tell anyone!

"Percy?" It was the Joker asking me a question. I smiled, flashing my white teeth at him. Right before I launched myself at him. I slammed him against the brick wall in the alley. I could see my reflection in his eyes, and it scared me. What I wasn't me. It'll never be me.

I slammed his head against the wall with a mighty shove. He collapsed in my arms, dead, blood seeping through a cut on his head. Oh, well.

Another one bites the dust.


"We need to look for him!" I shouted at my father.

"I know where his body is..."

"WHAT!?" I screamed, outraged.

"He faked his death. Made a copy of himself, left Riptide there in his blood. Nico, I need you to find the body."


"GO SON!" He flashed me out of the Underworld.

"Nico! Where did you come from?" Chiron asked.

"Underworld," I replied shortly, looking around for Percy's body. Okay, that sounded weird. His copy of his body. That sounds slightly better.

"What are you looking for?"

"Percy's body."

"HIS WHAT?" Chiron choked out.

"His copy of his body. Care to help look?"

"Sure," Chiron left Annabeth in charge while he helped me look for Percy's body. "Let's split up. We might find him easier that way," Chiron suggested.

I ran to the left while he trotted to the right. I ran to Thalia's tree. I found a body limp across the ground. Blood and dust were everywhere. Riptide was embedded in the body. In Percy's body.

"CHIRON!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. He heard me and sprinted over to me standing next to a body that looked exactly like Percy. "What do we do now?"

"Send the body to Hades to destroy."

We both looked at the body, neither of us wanting to touch it. I gestured for him to get it. He bent down and placed the body on his back.

"Father!" I shouted in my head.

"What is it? Did you find the body?"

"Yes, we found the body."

"Who is we?"

"Chiron and I."

"I'll be one my way. Just a second-"

"Hades! Can you somehow find Percy based off of this clone?"

"Surprisingly, I can." Hades took Percy's clone...and set him back on the ground. He took out a scalpel and started to dig in Percy's body. I, instinctively, surged forward to stop him. Chiron stopped me with an arm. Hades pulled out a device from the clone's arm. "Hmm. Seems that he has not yet entered Tartarus. That's a relief."

"Father? Are you going there to save him once he gets there?" I asked, my voice came out as a whisper.

"Yes, Nico, I am."


"Because...I'm not sure. There's about that kid."

"I'm coming with you!"


"You mentioned it, you should have known better than to mention it in front of me!"

"Fine!" He let out a sigh of disappointment.

My father and I were going on a journey to save Percy from Tartarus.

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