part 17

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pulling up at harelys she sat there a moment trying to get herself together. pulling down her viser she surveyed herself. anyone could tell shed been crying. suck it up max. suck it up, she tried telling herself that as she got out, walking toward the house, though the minute she approached the door and rang the bell, it all fell apart.

"whats wrong babygirl" Harley said opening the door to her crying, taking her in her arms. max always felt so safe and comfortable in harleys arms. the whole world stopped when she was with her, and nothing else mattered. tonight was different.

"babe, whats wrong?" Harley asked as she walked her into the house.

max couldn't even look at her. Harley took her into her room and sat her on the bed. bending down infront of her she wrapped her arms around her waist, looking up into her eyes with concern, as hard as she tried, max couldn't bring herself to look her directly in the eyes.

"babe, look at me, ...whats wrong..what happened?" Harley asked.

max just sat there. replaying all that had happened the last two days. the kiss. the conversations. this was not how she wonted it to turn out. telling her wouldn't be her sitting on the edge of her bed, crying so hard she couldn't even speak. no, that was a question in itself. why was she crying. if she didnt like Jordan, why was she acting like this.


"look at me darlin" Harley said, lifting her head with her hand so that they looked directly at each other. "please talk to me angel"

sitting there looking in her eyes, max had never seen so much passion, much love and concern and worry in her eyes as she did tonight. trying but failing again max tried to said something, her results only crying, both her hands covered her eyes as she tried to gain control of herself.

"sweetheart, look at me" Harley said, gently grabbing her hands and holding them in hers. all max could do was look down.

there was silence for a minute or two before she finally spoke

"im so sorry"

"sorry for what babe..theres nothing to be sorry for"

"but there is" max said. gaining more control of her emotions,as she wiped tears from her eyes.

Harley still sat there on the floor, holding her hands as she waited listening, concerned and confused look on her face.

max sax there a moment, before standing up and walking over to a conner in harleys room. Harley starred after her.


"im so sorry Harley" max said, finally turning and looking at her.

Harley slowly rose to her feet.

"sorry for what not sure i follow you?" Harley asked, small grin on her face.

a moment of silence which felt like forever as max looked off to the side.

"i kissed someone" was all she could manage to say.

another moment of silence in which max could tell Harley was starring at her.

"you..kissed someone?.........who?" Harley asked, max could hear the confusion in her voice.


"...Jordan?" Harley said slowly, taking it all in, still looking confused.

"well...she sort of kissed me...but..

"but what?" Harley said interrupting her.

"but i......i sort of.....kissed her back.." max finally managed to say. She looked up at Harley for her reaction, Harley looking off still with a confused look.

"wow....ok.......thats certainly not what i had planned"Harley say standing there a moment before walking in the opposite direction of max.

"im sorry" max said again, talking to her back.

"why?" Harley said turning and looking at her.

"its not like i meant for it to happen just did"

"how does something like that just happen....things like that dont just happen max" she said, looking at her, a serious look on her face. " and the whole time she was standing there..acting as though nothing had happened at the game" Harley said, more to herself than to max, as she turning walking more away.

"no, that was before it happened" max said, starting to walk to her but stopping.

"HOW!....HOW DID THIS HAPPEN MAX!" Harley said turning quickly in her direction. she told herself she be calm. but all her calm, rational thoughts had gone completely out the door. "AND WHY!"

"please stop yelling...i told you before it wasn't supposed to"

"then why did it...can you explain that one?"

max stood there a moment before answering.

"...i...dont know"

"you dont do you not know max..why you kissed someone?"

"i guess i was just caught up in the moment"

"YOU GUESS?!" Harley said, starring at her, max starred at the floor. "max...your engaged! shouldn't be caught up in the moment with anybody except me!"

finally managing to look up, max looked at Harley they starred at each other. Shaking her head Harley continued moving farther away.

"Harley i..

what were you thinking max honestly?"

"it was just a kiss Harley"

"yea..a kiss that you leaned into" Harley said, all exsperitions on her face looking as though she would cry at any moment, she never did.

neither one said anything for a long time.

"do you like her?"

"no i love u..

"i didnt ask if you loved her max...i asked if you liked her..?"


Harley sighed. turning around facing max.

"we.we can fix this...were say its just a kiss right...


"i mean..i want to spend the rest of life with you...and..these are the kinds of things we'll have to work though..


"i love you max!." Harley said walking over , grabbing her hands and holding themas they starred at each other "i love you more than Ive ever loved anyone"

max looked at her a moment before starring at the floor.

"i love you to" she finally said. Harley squeezed her hands and started talking about something, all of which mind as well had been muted out, she heard nothing as she continued starring at the floor.

"Harley." she said looking up, causing Harley to stop mid sentence what she was saying, what was a smile now concerned face again.

"Harley.i...i need time to think" she said. starring into her eyes.

"yea i understand" Harley said letting go of her hands as she walked over grabbing her notebook. "will talk about it later" she said walking to the door.

"no..Harley..i need to think about it....alone..." max said turning after her.

Harley stopped, turning and looking at her.


"Harley..i think we should take a break" max said looking back down at the floor.

"...a break...?" Harley said starring at her a moment

"Harley i..

"no..its cool..i gotchu...i understand completely...really...just go think....and .....i need to do some thinking to myself ok?" Harley said looking at her a moment before turning and walking out the door.

you and me a lesbian love story: part 1Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat