part 11

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the knocking on the door sent max running down the stairs, opening the door to let Cami in.

"arent you ready yet?" Cami asked.

"almost, just let me get my bag and brush my hair" max said running back up the stairs.

"well hurry up then loser, were gonna be late" Cami yelled up the stairs.

the beach was packed. families, kids, teens, it was a nice day to be there.

"i thought she said it was closed off" max said looking out the window and back at Cami

"it is" they drove around for at least another 10 mins, finally deciding to park , get out and walk when they spotted them.

"wow...sure are a lot of people" Cami said as her and max walked up.

"hey there ladies" Priscilla said coming up behind them and placing her arms around their shoulder. "ready to get down?"

"you bet" Cami said.

"you guys wont something to drink, or eat?" Priscilla asked.

"im good" max said

"id like something to drink" Cami said following Priscilla. "ill be right back' she called back to max. surveying her surroundings max reached into her bag, grabbing her towel, she laid it down, taking her shirt off to reveal her bikini top. placing it in the bag, she sat down.

"hey". i know that voice. oh god.

"hey" max said looking up to see Jordan standing beside her. they stood there a moment in silence, both watching people run around, laughing and having fun.

"beach parties arent really my thing" Jordan said

"really?..what is" max asked curiously

"im more of a club girl myself" Jordan said, looking down at her. they starred at each other a moment.

"your welcome to sit if you want" max said moving over. Jordan hesitated before she sat down beside her.

"so wheres your girl?..if you don't mind me asking"

"she had to work"

"that sucks"

"yea" max said, leaning back her hair swaying in the breeze.

"your gorgeous, shes mighty lucky to have you". jordans complement startled max. sitting up she starred at her a moment. was she coming on to her?

"....thanks.." she said glaring at her a moment before turning away.

"there you guys are" Priscilla said, as her and Cami walked over and sat down.

"you guys up for game of beach volleyball" Cami asked.

"seriously" max said rolling her eyes at Cami.

"yea..get up lazy butt" Cami said reaching down to help max up.

"studs vs. fems" Priscilla announced

"oh its so on..were gonna kick Ur ass!" Cami yelled. after her as they headed for the net. standing at the pole, Cami and Priscilla got face to face.

"so whats the game plan?" Cami asked

"losers pay movie tickets next movie"


max stood there, arms crossed shaking her head.

"are they always this competitive" Jordan said coming up beside her.

"yea..pretty much"


"yea ya" max giggled and headed over to their side. Jordan smiled after her, turning and doing the same. Jordan and Priscilla started off in the lead, two points ahead. until max took a surprising leap downward, pushing the ball over the net winning the game.

"alright, fess up..whos the better volleyball player here" Cami said as her and Priscilla headed for the ocean.

"yea yea"

"you guys coming" Cami said turning and looking at max. Jordan a little behind her.

"maybe later you guys go on" max said sitting down on the sand, as she watching Cami and Priscilla head into the water. she noticed Jordan was sitting beside her.

"good game" she said, holding out her hand. Jordan starred at her a moment, before returning it.

"so" Jordan said "you wanna join them" they sat there a moment in silence. remembering what Harley had said about having a good time she got up.

"minds well". she said walking toward the ocean.

"CRUNCH!" automatically max put her hand to her the back of her head. turning she was Jordan laughing and running toward the water. realizing shes thrown a sand ball at her.

"oh, ill get you back!" she yelled, running after her. Jordan turned around, smiling, running left and and right, max followed, before jumping in the ocean. stopping max bent down and grabbed up a handful of sand. just you wait. running to the waters edge, waited for Jordan to emerge, and when she did, shed get her good.

coming out of the water. max spotted her and launched the sand. Jordan dodged just in time it barley missing her.

"maybe next time sweety" Jordan call to her.

yea. next time. max thought coming to the waters edge, her arms crossed.

Jordan popping up infront of her scared her and she screamed.

"nothing to be scarred of, here, take my hand" Jordan said, holding out her hand.

"hey guys! come here!" Cami yelled.

looking up max saw Cami on Priscilla shoulders, her and others were throwing a freesbie back and forth.

"be my partner?" Jordan asked.

"what?" max said. the question startling her, she stepped back.

"my partner for the game" Jordan said, pointing toward Cami and Priscilla. Cami in the background holding out her hands to catch the freesbie.

max stood there, watching them. she couldn't help fill bad for having a good time when Harley wasn't there. minds well make the best of it.

"uh..sure" she said, smiling alitle as she walked toward Jordan. Jordan bent down so that max could get on her shoulders.

"here, grab my hand' Jordan said holding hers out. Grabbing her hand, max climbed on her shoulders, as Jordan slowly came up, placing her hands on her legs to steady her. her touch. it was so...strong.

Cami and Priscilla won that game. running on shore back to were max had place her stuff. max, Jordan followed, still with max on her shoulders. Coming out of the water, Jordan reached back, gently grabbing max to set set her down. bringing her over and infront of her they Jordan tripped loosing balance, causing both to fall.

max laid there, starring up at Jordan.

"im sorry, im so sorry" Jordan said, apologizing.

"no..its ok..really" max said laughing. Jordan went to left herself up, but stopped as they starred at each other smiling.

"max are you ok?" Cami said coming over, Priscilla at her side.

"yea..yea im fine" max said, looking at Jordan getting up. Cami starred at her a moment before helping her up. they walked back to were max had her stuff and sat down.

"today was fun" Cami said. her and max walking back to the car.

"yea" was all max could say

"something wrong" Cami said, stopping and looking at max.

"no...everythings fine"

"i noticed you and Jordan getting along pretty well" Cami said, grin on her face.

"yea she is pretty fun to be around once you get to know her" max said looking up at Cami. stopping at the car, max put her things in and got in. sitting there she couldn't stop thinking about the day. Jordan was on her mind the rest of the day.

you and me a lesbian love story: part 1Where stories live. Discover now