part 8

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wakening, max sat up in bed, starring blankly at her clock for a moment before getting up and heading down stairs. coming into the kitchen the scene of newly fallen snow reminded her that Christmas was just around the corner, as was her and harleys weekend getaway to the cabin. but there was still so much left she had to do before they left that afternoon. going over the list in her head she grabbed a energy drink from the frig and sat down at the table. the ringing of her cell phone made her jump slightly. "your up early" "well good morning to you to sexy lady" Harley said, a smile in her voice. "ready for our weekend getaway?" "of course" "think you'll be ready by five?" "i should be" "five it is gorgeous, see you then, i love you" "i love you to" max said smiling and closing her cell. getting up she heading back up stairs to pack. grabbing her suitcase, she starred absently around her room. warm clothes was a must, pod for the way. two hours later, max looked at what was a over packed suitcase, still filling as though she forgot something. oh well, if i forgot, ill do without. arriving right on time Harley stepped out of her truck and walked toward the house, ringing the door bell, and waiting, a big smile on her face. opening the door, and smiling max stepped out of the house, wrapping her arms around her neck and kissing her. "ready to go beautiful"Harley said smiling, placing her hands on her waist. "more than ready" max said, turning and getting her suitcase. "allow me" Harley said interfering, grabbing her bags and caring them to the truck. smiling max quickly locked the door and walked after her. "soo"max said squirming in her seat from excitement, "were are we going?" "we, my dear are going to a VERY romantic log cabin, out on the middle of nowhere, its beautiful, you'll love it!" Harley said smiling and winking at her. " i see, and does this..log cabin have running water?" "of course it does, it even has maid service, yours truly" Harley said hold up her hands. laughing max grabbing her hand, squeezed it, "i love you" "i love you to babe" max thought they'd never get there, but when they did Harley was right, it was beautiful, the smell of pine, quit and peaceful atmosphere, no rush of traffic. snow. Harley defiantly new how to pick a place. coming around the passenger side Harley opened the door, grabbing max in her arms. max giggled a little, "what are you doing silly." "caring you in my darlin, every beautiful lady deserves to be pampered every now and then, and i intend to do just that this weekend", Harley said stopping and winking at her. smiling max kissing her on her check. walking in harely gently set max down on the couch. "madam" she said sitting beside her. "whats first Hun" sitting there a big smile came across maxes face. "what?" Harley said looking at her. jumping up max ran out the door, Harley following. running down the steps,and into the snow max grabbed up a handful of snow, standing up, she smiled at Harley "now just what do you think your going to do with that" Harley said, with a humerus grin. a second later snow splattering all over her face and max laughing in the background. wiping the snow off she turned and looked at max, still half bent over laughing, walking down the step she scooped up a pile of snow. standing up max starred at her a minute. "you wouldn't" "oh but i would babe" Harley said with an evil grin. screaming, max turned running around the cabin, Harley following her. they played in the snow for at least an hour, both getting there far share of snow balls in. making snow angels. just enjoying each others company. squeezing her, kissing her on the lips Harley lay beside her, she could'nt help but stare at the gorgeous girl beside her,so beautiful,even bundled up in a hug jacket. she was still so beautiful. "i love you" "i love you to" max said, smiling at her. holding her hand they lay there in the snow, starring back into each others eyes. one could'nt help but love her, she was just so perfect, so angelic, Harley knew this was the perfect timing for it all. squeezing her hand and smiling. "hey babe, u want some hot chocolate?" she said, a grin on her face, she raised her eyebrows. "hot chocolate sounds nice" max said smiling back at her. Getting up Harley leaned down, grabbing Max's hand, hand in hand they walked back to the cabin. arriving back at the cabin, Harley set to work making the hot chocolate, coming and seating next to max while they waited. noticing max was shivering, she got a blanket from the bed, wrapping it around her, she kissed her on the forehead. "cant have you getting sick now" she said, walking back to check on the hot chocolate. Once it was done she quickly poured it into cups and headed into the living room. she handed max hers while seating down beside her. they sat there in silence, enjoying the peace and quit. finishing Harley got up, taking her and maxs cups in the kitchen, she returned, sitting by max. turning she looked at max,who was smiling. "you thinking what im think" "movie time" getting up they headed for the bedroom. max laid down on the bed while Harley got the movie started. "a walk to remember ok?" "its fine with me if its fine with you, but you may see crying" "no worries babe, its nothing i haven't seen before, ill just have to hold you extra tight" Harley said turning and winking at her. two hours and a half a box of tissues later max awakened, sitting up slightly in bed, turning over to reach for Harley, noticing she wasn't there, but instead a trail of rose pedals in her place, smiling she followed them with her eyes as they lead to the doorway and beyond. she sat there a moment, smiling, before getting up and following the trail. following them down the hall and into the candle lit living room, were they were spread all along the couch and on the floor . a nice warm fire going in the fireplace. slow, soft romantic music played in the background. looking up, she smiled at Harley standing up against the contain smiling back at her. "hello sleeping beauty" Harley said. max stood there a moment, smiling she walked to her. "and how in the world did you manage to get all this!" max said smiling and wrapping her arms around her neck. "i guess im just good like that" Harley said, winking, picking her up and placing her on the counter, her hands around her waist. leaning down slightly, placing her forehead to harleys, max placed her hands on her cheeks, smiling and looking into her eyes. "mmm your just full of surprises arent you?" max said still smiling at her. "ohh babe, you don't know how full of surprises i can be" Harley said, pulling her closer, kissing her gently before taking off her shirt. max tilted her head back slightly giggling, before looking back at Harley Harley smiled back, her exsperetion changing to a surprised questioning look "whats this?" Harley said, slightly poking her up and down her sides. "ticklish are we?!" Almost immediately max went to grab her hands away, smiling and laughing as she wrestled with her. "OHH! i think we are!" Harley said dodging her hands as she played with her. finally grabbing her hands max smiled and looked at her. Harley smiled back, gently kissing her lips, she unhooked her bra. placing her hands on her side, she gently kissed her neck, max leaned back a little kissing down her neck,to her chest, Harley gently rubbed her hands along her sides, causing max to moan a little gently kissing and biting her breast, back up to her lips, she stopped a moment looking into her eyes, smiling, before gently kissing her again. moving down, kissing her stomach. unbuttoning her pants, she gently kissed her. unzipping and taking her pants off she slide in between her legs, her arms around her waist, kissing her. stopping, Harley looked into max eyes, she could swear they were the eyes of an angel, so gorgeous. taking off her own clothing, looking up at her and smiling, once again sliding between her legs, she ran her hand along her thigh, kissing her neck. "oh god" max moaned. stopping and smiling devilishly Harley kissed her once more on her neck before gently licking and bitting her breast, moving back a little and inserting her fingers inside her, not to fast nor to slow, just good enough to get her up there. max laid back on the counter, allowing Harley to get on top. getting a little faster on the fingers, she slowly kissed down her chest to her stomach, rubbing her free hand up and down her leg. "oh Harley" max moaned gripping her back with her nails. coming up, Harley smiled, kissing her lips before jumping down off the counter. sitting up, max sat there starring at Harley, smiling before hopping off the counter, running and jumping in her arms, kissing her passionately. they stayed in that embrace for a minute before Harley threw her up against the wall, kissing her passionately, gently putting her down, her hands around her waist, kissing and bitting her neck, causing max to scream slightly.slowly moving down and kissing her stomach. moving her hands along her sides down to her thighs. "i love you babe, i love you so much" Harley whispered continuing to kiss her. "i love you to babe" max said, breathing harder now. rubbing her thighs slightly harder Harley slowly and gently moving down to bit her clit. biting and licking all around. "oh Harley!" coming up Harley roughly kissed her stomach, up to her breast, kissing them, sucking them, before gently grabbing her and placing her on the floor. laying on top of her, she kissed her lips tenderly, slowly and gently fingering her, causing max to move up and down slightly moaning. moving down she gently kissed her neck, rubbing her free hand along her side, squeezing her a little, fingering her a little faster. kissing her breast and in between down to her stomach and back up kissing her lips. fingering her hard now. screaming, max dug her hands in the floor, squirming she gently lifted herself up slightly, screaming and laying back down. removing her fingers, Harley gently bit around her clit, kissing her and playing with her. "oh god, oh god babe!" max moaned slightly shaking. looking up Harley grinned and winked at her, going back and gently eating at her, first soft and gentle, gradually getting harder and rough. she could fill maxs nails digging into her back, eating her out as rough as she could, causing her to scream and cum in her mouth. Harley slowed up, gently rubbing her sides, bitting and kissing her, gradually eating her out roughly again. good thing they were in the middle of nowhere, her screaming could cause police to come knocking. stopping, Harley looked up, watching max grasping and breathing hard, both were covered in sweat, hair dripping. "breathe babe" Harley whispered smiling at her slightly. getting up, Harley walked into the kitchen. "babe?" max breathed. "be right back" Harley called. laying there gave max enough time to catch her breathe, god Harley was so good, she was amazing! "hey there beautiful" Harley said laying on her stomach next to max. "strawberry?" she said smiling, hold one up. smiling, max gestured and Harley leaned forward to feed her. "sexy, sexy" Harley said smiling at her and kissing her check. "but you know what would go so well with this?" Harley said, slight grin in her voice "what babe?" max said smiling at her Harley looked down at her with that evil grin of hers, almost cocky, but max liked that. "whip cream" Harley said jumping up and heading back into the kitchen "strawberries and whip cream...sounds interesting" "yea?" "but you know" max said laying on her side "it be more interesting if we had some of that melty chocolate to go with it" "way ahead of u babe" Harley said, entering the room, placing the stuff on the floor, she gently pushed max on her back, laying on top of her, starring in her eyes. giggling max slightly sat up. "babe how am i going to eat the strawberries if im laying down?" raising her eyebrows, still having that evil grin on her face, Harley looked her up and down. "who said anything about the chocolate and whip cream going on the strawberries?..." she said, cockyness in her voice as she got up, grabbing the whip cream and shaking it up well. "in fact, im in beliefs it would taste so much better on you" Harley said smiling and grinning. "oh god babe" max moaned throwing her head back slightly "mmm..damn...u gonna be really talking to god in about two minutes" Harley whispered to herself slightly, grinning at her devilishly "what?" max said, smiling and looking up at her " oh..just...talking to god babe" Harley said, pointing up with her hand. "...right" max said slightly smiling at her "i was" Harley said, getting down on the floor and sliding between her legs. " telling him DAMN fine u are..."she said, smiling and looking down at her "and thought you could handle me before....we fixing to see just how MUCH you really can handle" Harley said, looking at her, smiling and kissing her lips tenderly, bitting her lower lip gently. sitting up she smiled at her, shaking the bottled one last time before gently placing whip cream on her breast, melted chocolate on her stomach. Smiling at her, she gently kissed her neck, bitting it slightly, moving down to her chest, kissing in between, moving over to her breast, licking and biting the whip cream off. Max moaned slightly, gently rubbing her hand up and down harleys back. moving down to her stomach, Harley slowly licked up and down, causing max to squirm a little and giggle. "that tickles" max said reaching for Harley to stop. grabbing her hands, she slowly moved them to the floor, smiling at her. "but you taste so good babe" Harley whispered, coming up slightly to kiss her. kissing back down her stomach, she licked the rest of the chocolate off. "now for the best part" Harley said, gently rubbing her thigh, she placed whip cream on her vagina,smiling, she slowly licked around the sides, bitting along the way,causing max to slightly arch moaning. she was shaking again. Harley gently licked all around, coming to the middle, she dug her tongue down as deep as it could go, licking, and eating at her. in response max thought shed come off the floor. screaming and hollering "HARLEY! OH GOD HARLEY! HAR...UHH!" doing many more repeats of this, causing max to cum frequently, shed have kept on, but they were all out of "goodies". two selowets danced on the floor in the light of the warm fire. slight moaning. laying on top of her Harley looked down at max. how beautiful she was. "i love you max" Harley grasp between breathes " i love you so much" she said, laying her head on maxs chest "i love you to Harley, i really do" max said, leaning up slightly to kiss the top of her head, rubbing her back with her other. "Ive been waiting for this day for so long" Harley said turning and looking up at her. " i know babe" max whispered looking at her, before gently kissing her. "for the perfect time to ask you" "....ask me what?" max said starring at the ceiling. Harley lay there for a moment before getting up and going into the bedroom. laying on her side, max starred after her. "close your eyes" Harley called from the room. Smiling, max did as she was told. coming to the door opening, Harley looked to see if shed done so yet. seeing that she had, she smiled, standing there a moment starring at her, looking down at the tiny box in her hand. this was the perfect time. walking in to the living room, she placing the box on top the mantle, turning, she smiled once more at max, laying there on the floor, eyes closed, smiling. bending down she helped her stand up, facing her. "ok open your eyes" max starred at her with a smile "max i love you" Harley said, grabbing both her hands. "i love you more than anything in the world,..your so amazing and beautiful.. you complete every inch of me now....i cant even imagine what it will be like in the future." "Harley" max said starting to cry slightly smiling Harley reached over, grabbing the box and kneeled to one knee "max....will you marry me?" Harley said, opening up the box to behold a beautiful engagement ring. "oh my god." max said, wiping a tear from her eye. "oh my god babe" please say yes. "oh course i will babe" max said starring to cry a little more now. grabbing hold of Harley, she pulled her to her, kissing her, holding her like shed never let go. "of course i will" Harley stood up, taking the ring and placing it on her finger, smiling as she picked her up spinning and twirling her around. "i have a fiancée!" stopping she gently placed her down, looking into her eyes as she looked back into hers. "i have a fiancée" she whispered, smiling at each other. their selowets could been seen posing, as they stood there, in each others arms, kissing, as the sun began to rise.

you and me a lesbian love story: part 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora