part 10

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biology seemed to go on forever, as it did the first of the year. so boring.

"as you know today we will be dissecting, id like you all to get into groups of four." finally, something interesting. max thought getting up and sliding her chair next to Cami's.

"u mind if we partner with yall" Priscilla said, coming up beside max and Cami. looking up maxs eyes met jordans, holding that gase a moment before looking down.

"sure, pull up Ur desks"Cami said.

max continued to look down at her desk. what was wrong with her anyway. why was she acting like this. halfway glancing to her side she noticed Priscilla infront of Cami. both in conversation. which meant.

looking up their gaze met.

"ok class you will each get two frogs per group to dissect, you may all help dissect them together as a group, or one frog to every two people." Mrs Anderson said, passing out the needed materials

"i call Priscilla" Cami said. they smiled across the table at each other. "is that ok with you max" Cami said, noticing her look

" problem" she continued to stare at the desk.

" you are to identify and label all parts of the frog, on the sheets infront of you" Mrs. andersons voice echoed thoughtout the room

"if this isn't your deal, ill cut it up and you can label the parts" Jordan said.

"umm..i think ill be fine..but thanks" max said. slightly looking up.

"you may begin when your frogs have been giving to you" Mrs. Anderson said. stopping at their group, handing them two frogs and moving on. Priscilla and Cami wasted no time, digging into the frog as if it were a meal.ugh.

"how we gonna do this thing" jordans voice cut into maxs thinking process, causing her to come back to.


"how bout you identify the upper half, and ill identify the lower half,"

"uh..yea..ok" both started to reach for there swizzers. hands touching.

"sry" both in unison. max laughed slightly, smiling. both having their twizzers in hand, tried to dissect their own half. reaching over each others arms to get were they needed. both stopping and smiling at each other. hesitant. as if the other were toxic

"ok how about this"Jordan said, turning the frog around. "better?"

"much" max said laughing slightly.

They were nearly done before the bell rang.

"place Ur names on the place, and place your frogs in the frig, will finish tomorrow."

"that was interesting" Jordan said, gathering up all the utensils, as max placed there names on the place.

"yea"max said looking up at her. they smiled at each other.

"was it my imagination..or..were you to actually having a good time" Cami said, coming up beside max and throwing her arm around her shoulder.

"shes pretty cool i guess" max said stopping at her locker. slight smile on her face.

"you like her don't you?" Cami said grinning at her.

"Cami!...i said shes cool...that doenst mean i like her" max said turning to her. "if you like her so much why don't you date her"

"im straight remember"

" say that" max said grabbing her homework from her locker as she headed for the door.


"ok you guys, party on the beach this weekend, your butts better be there" Priscilla said, her and Jordan joining them at the lunch table.

max looked up, seeing Jordan she quickly looked down.

"whos" Cami said, putting down her soda and grabbing the flyer.


Cami looked over the flyer.

"so..whats the occasion?"

"we don't need an occasion to get down do we?"

Cami glared at her a moment.

"your right" she said handing it to max and continuing to eat her sandwich.

"your coming..right max?"Priscilla asked. she cold tell Jordan was waiting on the response as well.

"i don't and Harley were supposed to do something this weekend."

"bring Harley to..that way Jordan can met her" Priscilla said looking over at Jordan, who slightly grinned and looked back at max.

"ill see..but no promises" max said, holding up her hands

"cool"Priscilla said smiling across at max.

"babe!" harleys voice rang over the phone.max smiled.

"i think im having withdraws"

"withdraws?" max asked

" i haven't seen my girl in three dying!" max giggled. "i miss you to"

"hows the first week back so far?" Harley asked.

"horrible!..they have us up to our ears in homework, its ridiculous!" max said laying down on the couch.

"ill say....they need to give us less work...more play...cause i miss being with my fiancée" max could hear the smile in her voice, she was smiling to.

"i wish i was in your arms right now" max said, starring up at the ceiling.

"me to babygirl, soon enough" there was silence for a moment. laying there max remembered Priscilla beach party

"babe what are we doing this weekend?"

"this weekend..ah i gotta work sweet thing" she could hear the sadness in harleys voice.

"work?...when did you get a job?" max asked

"well, i don't technically have a uncles letting me work part time when he needs i can earn some extra cash"

"..yea i do need to get a job myself" max said playing with her nails.

"nonsense..relax...ill take care of the man in this family" Harley said,in her manly voice

"your the man in this family babe?" max said smiling

"im the man in this family"

"alrightly then" max said laughing a little

"why you ask babe"

" reason...Priscilla has this beach party this weekend...we were invited"

"you should go"

"not without you" max said sitting up.

" know id be there if i could, but i Cami going?" max sighed.


"then go..have a good time"

" i guess i will"

"thats my girl...i love you"

"i love you to Harley"max said. she couldn't help but smile talking to her.

"im calling it a night babe"

"me to"

"love you angel, sleep well"

"you to sweetheart" closing the phone max laid back down on the couch. within a few minutes she was asleep.

you and me a lesbian love story: part 1Where stories live. Discover now