Me:i was thinking we should dye our Hair

Merc:Oooo!.i Want Purple!

Jess:Pink all day!

Me:Ima go with blue, orange won't look right.

Jess:Cool.I like the Songs Star


Merc:yeah.Yeah my favorite is Gucci This

Jess:Mine too and PrettyGirl Bag

Me:I like Gucci this and So official

Jess:When are we going to tell the boys

Me:Hold on.

I take out my phone and Call my mom

Phone Convo(On speaker)

Mom;Hey Sweatie

  Me:hey mom.your on speaker with jessica and merc

Mom:Hey Girlies


  Me:Well, Mom do you think you get us on Tour .The Scream tour.The one Diggy going on?


  Me:me and the girls just Made a group and I made songs and dances and their really good and We wanna go on

Mom:I don't know if you guys are readi.I have to see you guys do something first.

  Me:You can Call me on Skype and we can show you two of our songs and dances



Jess:Would of she let us.

Merc:I'm so Ready!

Me;Same here

I set the skype and now put the laptop back so she can see us all.

And We started Gucci this then we Did So Official

Then we were done


Me:you like?

Mom: love I'm get you guys in,But you guys have to practice everyday 8 hours a day.I'ma get you a choreographer and i'll be your manager.


Mom:Yup.You guys are fantastic.Did you tell the boys.

Me:nope.We wanna show them at our first show

Mom:Sounds Exciting

Merc:it is.

Mom:well,Let me make a few Calls then i'll get back ya'll okay?


Mom;love you guys

Us:Love you too


Merc:your mom is SOO AWESOME

jessica:yeah She is

Me:i know .Thanks.Lets go back upstairs


then we go upstairs and saw all the boys playing COD

Me:hey guys

Diggy:Sweaty much

Me:So Sit next to him

Jess:Sits next to Twist

Twisted Love Story *Diggy,Twist,MB,Jacob,Etc*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora