Chapter 5 (Picture of Caleb)

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Yay! New chapter! Picture of Caleb on the side :) Hot. Any of you One Tree Hill fans? LOL. 


Chapter 5 (The Mistaken Girl)

“So wait, why do I have to go?” I asked, scared as we trudged up the yard and to the front door of Gabriel’s house, whoever he was.

“He would be even madder if I hid you in the car,” Caleb said seriously, ringing the doorbell.

I frowned just a guy opened the door. He definitely did not look welcoming. He wore a wife beater and ripped up blue jeans. He looked sloppy and messy and looked angry. “Yeah?” the guy asked, loudly.

Caleb’s jaw tensed. “Hey Gabriel,” he said, making his voice sound formal and professional.

Gabriel looked me up and down, ignoring Caleb. “Who’s this?” he asked, nodding his head towards me.

I self consciously dug myself further into Caleb’s side. This guy was scary as hell! “This is Sarah, my sex slave and acquaintance,” Caleb said.

Gabriel nodded. “I see… Well, what do you have for me?” he asked, turning his attention away from me.

“Stuff. Why don’t we take this inside so it can be more private?” Caleb suggested.

Gabriel moved out of the way so we could step inside. Matching his appearance, I cringed at the sight of the inside of his house. It was dirty from top to bottom. Everything was scattered everywhere and the furniture was this really unflattering brown colour, unless it was just really dirty.

“Take a seat,” Gabriel said, collapsing onto a sofa.

Caleb mirrored my expression on the furniture. He shook his head. “Actually, we’ll stand. We won’t take long.”

Gabriel rolled his eyes. “Okay then… Well, begin,” he said, with a wave of his hand.

Caleb reached into his pocket and pulled out a little bag. Gabriel’s eyes lit up as he saw it. “Wonderful,” he said, simply.

Gabriel reached out to grab it but Caleb pulled back the bag. “Nuh-uh. Let me have the goods first,” he said, a smirk playing on his lips.

Gabriel rolled his eyes and sighed, reaching into his jeans pocket and got out a huge wad of cash. “This good enough for you?” he asked, showing us the cash.

Caleb nodded. “That’s great, Gabriel. Here you go,” he said, handing Gabriel the bag.

Gabriel snatched it out of Caleb’s grasp greedily and threw the wad of cash at Caleb, who stuck it in his pocket. I froze. I just witnessed a real live drug deal. “Well, I hope you enjoy it, bye,” Caleb said quickly as he pulled me along to the front door.

“Wait a minute!” Gabriel’s voice boomed, making us turn back immediately even though Caleb looked scared to.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” he asked, nodding his head towards me.

Caleb looked scared. I looked up at him, wide eyed. “What?” I whispered.

Caleb gulped. “Oh yeah… Of course, um… Sarah, follow us,” he said, his eyes saying something else.

Gabriel went a little ahead of us. Impulsively, I latched onto the back of Caleb’s jacket. “Where are we going?” I asked, scared.

Caleb looked back to look at me. “You still have your weapon, right?”

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