The return of Lily Dulliniel Elrond of Imladris(You)

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It was winter season in Hogwarts.You wake up that morning and get yourself ready.Oh wait,it's holidays.Yeah,everyone's returning 

That includes Albus Severus Potter,Diane Weasley and some friends of yours are going home to their parents.Except for you. 

"Come on,Lily.It's been 7 years you didn't return to your father",

that Potter friend of yours said

."Yeah,Niel.They must haved missed you" 

"Maybe they did,Diane.But,they never tried to reach me.I know I'm just an adopted daughter and sister.Maybe they might wanna send me here to stay away" 

"Don't say that.Why would they?I mean,you're sister seems nice" 

said Albus as he put one his hands on you're left shoulder.Diane just nods as the sign of agree with him.You shrugged and was  about to say something when you heard a very familiar voice from 7 years ago.

"Thank you Mr Potter.We never sent you here to keep you away,Dulliniel." 

When the three of you looked at,guess who: Arwen. You also noticed that her womb is big.The situation got the three of you  speechless.In this time too,a brown Owl fly and went to Diane. 

"Oh,that's the signal.I know this might be not a good time but my train will leave in half an hour.I gotta go" 

And all of you said goodbye.With that,Diane used her broom to fly to the train station.It seems it's just you,Albus and Arwen. 

"Arwen,how did you get here?and why is you're womb.." 

She carved a sweet and caring smile "I'm married,Dulliniel.Have you forgotten?" 

You snapped.Riiighhhtt..she sent you a letter three years ago informed you that she's married and is now adressed as Queen Arwen of Gondor. 

"I get the story.But,mainly(shake you're head to snap out of you're shockness) what are you doing here?" 

"Like you're lovely friends said,7 years you had not return to visit us.Come,if there is any right time.It's now" 

Albus whispered you "See??You should go,Lily.I mean,you should enjoy.There's half a year before we return here and soon.." 

"Will be our senior seasons" 

"Yeah.Oh,I gotta go.I felt a tingle.My dad must be here.Gotta go.Goodbye,Lily.See you in the next 6 months" 

"Bye Albus.Have a safe trip." 

He left the hallway and run.Well,the next thing you did was you bring Arwen to tour Hogwart around for a while.As you were  touring,you bumped to Professor Muggle. 

"Ah!Ms Elrond!Staying for another snitch game on this winter?" 

You look at Arwen for a sec and back to him.You run your right hand to the back of your neck.You seemed frightened a bit. 

"I don't think so,Professor.You see,I'm returning to middle-earth this season.This is my sister,Arwen" 

"Ah I see.Pleasure to meet you.Maybe that is the best too.7 years in a row staying alone in this school.You must missed them. 

So are they.Though we might not have our best snitch player.But,it's okey,Lily." 


He smiled and shake hands with Arwen and you continue your tour with Arwen.Until you reached an area where there's a big cabinet and some potraits.You're photos were one of the many there. 

"I guess in all those 7 years you didn't return,you had achieved so much.You're a best wizard" 

"Well,since it's quite lonely just to stay here did nothing.So I did a lot of things to get rid off the loneliness" 

She touched one of potraits which is you.Below was a caption written WIZARD OF HOPE AND BRAVERY 

"Well,let's go.Father misses you a lot.So I decided to take you back to Middle-earth.And see,Im pregnant.I need you to be there when I had my first born" 

"I guess.Let's go.I miss him too and I need to pack some of my stuffs" 

You packed some clothes and some of the stuffs you bought from there.Arwen simply opened a portal and in a blink of an eye.You are in middle earth.In rivendell...

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