Wedding Bell Blues pt 2

Comenzar desde el principio

"Yes, Alpha."

"Joey, mark your mate and seal your bond."

Nodding hesitantly, Joel made his way over to Kyle, who bared his neck to him. Joey warily leaned in and pressed his fangs into Kyle's neck.

"Joey and Devlin step forward."

We walked towards the Alpha, when Devlin suddenly grabbed my arm, pulling me to a stop.

"Do you really want to do this, Joel? If you're unsure we can stop . . . I'll still take you to my pack."

"I-I just have some questions . . . would you ever hurt me because you were unsure of your feelings?"

"If I was unsure that I wanted you, I wouldn't be here."

"O-Ok and if someone accused me of betraying you when you weren't around, would you believe them or me? Would you throw me away because you doubted me?"


"Please, I need to know the truth or I can't be with you."

"Joel, the truth is there are going to be times when i question what you're doing, just like there'll be times when you question what I'm doing. There'll be times when we'll fight and not speak to each other  . . . there'll be times that I'm wrong and times that you're wrong and we'll work them out together, because once I have you, nothing or no one will take you away from me.'

"I . . . I don't know what____."

"I know you're not in love with me yet Joel, I promises you that I'd wait for you and I'm a man of my word . . . and even if you never fall in love with me, as your mate, I'll protect you and your pups . . . our pups with my life."

"I . . . I'll be your mate, Devlin."

Smiling, Devlin pulled me closer and turned to the Alpha.

"We're ready."

"Yes you are and after what was just said, I don't think I need a commitment oath. Devlin, you may now mark your mate."

Devlin nodded happily and gently lifted my chin and sank his fangs into my neck.
A wave of unexpected pleasure shot through me and I had to bite my lip to hold back a quiet moan.

"Joel, you may now mark your mate."

Nodding weakly, I lifted my mouth to Devlin's neck and bit down until blood filled my mouth. Devlin leat out a muffled groan and I pulled away, afraid that I'd hurt him. Looking up into his eyes, I trembled slightly at the possessiveness I saw in them. The Alpha cleared his throat to catch our attention and I reluctantly looked away.

"Now that these two couples are safely mated, I will hand this pack over to my son. As of today, I will no longer be your leader."

Several concerned pack members murmured amongst they and the Alpha raised a hand to silence everyone.

"I'm sorry, but you've shown me several times over the past few months that you don't respect my decisions and have even threatened a pack member under my protection. Even if I were able to lead this pack, I would step down."

Stepping forward before anyone could question the Alpha's statement, Kyle captured the crowds attention.

"My da  . . . the Alpha was blinded in the attack earlier and in order to protect this pack from war, he has decided to become a prisoner of the North Wind Pack."

One of Kyle's groupies stepped forward, stopping a respectful distance and bowing her head in respect before gathering enough courage to ask what everyone was wondering.

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