Chapter 24: Stuck Like Glue

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Song: Stuck Like Glue

By: Sugarland

I stare out my window at his motorcycle. He's sitting downstairs playing video games with Chris and I'll probably have to join them soon to avoid a repeat of earlier today. I shiver at the thought as I bring my hand to where he had kissed me on my neck and jaw. 

I swallow as I run a hand across my face and flop back onto my bed. I contemplate just locking my door and window when a voice jolts me out of my thoughts. "You coming down or do I need to persuade you again?" I stare at Blake in surprise as he smirks down at me from my position on the bed. 

"Oh quit messing with me." I snap as I stand to walk past him. He laughs as he grabs my wrist and pushes me against the wall. "Like I told you before, I'm not messing with you." He tells me, definitely invading my personal bubble again.

"You have a problem with backing me in a corner and invading my personal space. You know that right?" I ask and his grin grows wider as he steps even closer, pressing his chest to mine, making me have to crane my neck to meet his eyes. 

"I like seeing how it affects you, it's cute." He tells me in a breathy tone and I feel my face heat up as I put hands out to make another attempt at pushing away. It fails again and I mentally smack myself for not exercising enough. "So it's like an experiment to you?" I ask without thinking as I look for an escape.

"No. I told you I'm not messing with you multiple times but you never listen." He grumbles angrily and I look up at him in surprise just as he leans down and starts to kiss my neck again. He does it quicker this time and his hands clench around my shoulders angrily. 

I let out a breath of surprise as I put my hands on his chest. With that contact he moves away and turns before leaving without another word. I stay where I am as I hear the door downstairs slam shut before being followed by the roar of an engine.

I snap back to my senses with that and dart over to see him pull away on the motorcycle. I just don't understand, we're strangers to one another. Why does he even care. I don't even see why I interest him. I watch him until he disappears around the bend before turning to see Chris standing in the doorway. 

He looks like he's about to say something for a minute until his eyes land on my neck and his jaw literally drops. "Have you two been kissing?!" The shock in his voice almost makes me laugh but I quickly shake my head. Technically we weren't kissing, he was kissing me and I was just standing there. 

"Then what's with the hickey on your neck?!" He shouts as he points at my neck. I feel my eyes nearly pop out of my head as I dart into the bathroom to see the bruise. I run my hand over it and wince. "What in the world?!" I shout to myself as my face turns bright red again. 

Chris is still staring at me in shock and I immediately say, "It wasn't me! He made me I promise!" I tell him and all of the sudden his look of shock turns into amusement as he leans against my door. "Did you enjoy it?" It's my turn to look at him in shock.

"Are you kidding me Chris?!" I shake my head as I walk past him in my room and start looking for a band aid in my drawers. I can hear my bed creak as he sits on it to watch me. "I mean, if you did I would be perfectly fine if he was the reason you chose to stay." I can hear the amusement in his voice and stop in my search for a moment to glare at him before continuing. 

"Oh come on Marcy. Don't act like you aren't internally freaking out. We both know this is the first time you've been kissed, let alone been given a hickey which your mom would definitely kill you for if she were here." I stop and laugh before nodding. 

"She wouldn't even let me explain before she'd whoop me, ground me, and send Peter after the boy who did it." We both laugh at this before falling into silence as I lean back on my heels to stare at my drawers blankly. 

"She'd also be really proud of you." He tells me and I wipe away a tear I didn't know I had let fall. "Yours would too." I tell him softly as I turn to look at him and he smiles before frowning. "Wait, since Peter isn't here should it turn into my responsibility to hunt him down and kill him?" He asks as I watch him mentally prepare himself to go into older brother mode.

I quickly shake my head with a laugh. "That's alright, it wouldn't be natural on you unless it was for Taylor." I watch his face darken at the thought of Taylor with a hickey before continuing, "Do you mind helping me find a band aid to cover it instead?" 

He laughs before shaking his head. "That'd bring more attention to it than the actual hickey. You should get Chloe over here to help you cover it up." He tells me but I quickly shake my head no to that idea. "No, if she knew she'd freak out too much." I tell him but he holds up his phone guiltily. 

"Well, I kind of already told her to come over while you were in the bathroom freaking out." He tells me and I stare at him in horror just as I hear a grunt before a ruffled Chloe appears in my window. "Who gave it to you and did you kiss him back?!" She shouts as she points an incriminating finger at me and my neck.

I'm about to answer her when she falls from the window before landing face first on the floor. She lets out a grunt of pain while me and Chris bust out in laughter at her. Chris is the first to bounce back and help her up while she shoots glares at the both of us. 

"Anyways." She says once she'd silenced us with her glares and came to sit next to Chris on the bed. "It was Blake, but I was forced so no I did not kiss him back, and no I did not enjoy it so please help me hide it." I tell her quickly before she can make any more accusations which would only make Chris laugh even more. 

She blinks at me for a few seconds before she asks, "Blake kissed you?" I nod and after a few seconds a wide grin breaks out across her face and I feel fear rise in me. She claps her hands and jumps up and down on my bed as she squeals, "Yes! Yes! Yes! I am so stinking good at match making! I should be physic! Or maybe I am! This is so exciting! My bestie is one step closer to being a bride!" I stare at her in shock at the last one.

"Chloe calm down!" She stops jumping as I force her to sit down. "Me. And. Blake. Are. NOT. Getting. MARRIED." I tell her slowly which only makes her grin even more. "Yet. You and Blake aren't getting married yet." She tells me and I shake my head at her as she starts talking about how our weddings should double up.

"Please just help me hide this." I beg as I motion to the mark and she laughs as she skips off to my bathroom to get the small amount of makeup I own. She sets me down on the bed as she starts, talking the entire time while Chris pops a movie into my DVD player. 

"I never thought I'd get to see the day when my best friend would need me to cover up her hickey from the guy I set her up with! Oh, I'm so texting Emma right now!" I stare at her in horror as she starts to tell Emma to come over.

I try to stop her but it's too late as the text is sent with an immediate response saying that she's on her way. "Chloe! The reason I'm having you hide it is because I don't want anyone to know about it!" I tell her and she waves her hand with a laugh. "Oh, Emma's a friend. She won't tell anyone." She says and I roll my eyes at her.

"You are horrible at keeping secrets, you know that right?" She nods cheerfully as I hear a car pull up and park outside. Chris gets up to go answer the door and a few moments later Emma and Chris are on my bed watching the movie with concentrated looks on their faces as Chris starts arguing with the people on the screen again. 

Once Chloe finishes blabbing about the hickey to Emma she takes me in the bathroom to show me how she hid it and the finish product of her handiwork. "You'll have to do this yourself until it disappears, unless you just want to show it off." She says with and over exaggerated wink and I can't help but laugh before pulling her into a hug. 

"Thanks, I was kind of panicking before you came." I tell her as I pull away and she offers a smile before replying, "What are friends for if not to cover the hickeys your new boyfriend gave you." She smiles at me mischievously at that before dashing back into my room with a whoop as she dives onto my bed.

I shake my head at her before thinking, With friends like that, who has time for a boyfriend? 

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