Chapter 21: Mama's Broken Heart

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Song: Mama's Broken Heart

By: Miranda Lambert

I walk back home, it's dark but the streetlights help guide me as I make my way back. I need to sleep for school tomorrow before I turn into a zombie. I let out a small yawn as I round a corner, still about two miles away from home.

I hear crash as I pass an ally way and halt in my tracks. I look over to see a bunch of burly men crowded around at the end of the ally, facing something that I can't see as they all laugh loudly every now and then.

I'm about to walk away when someone catches my eye. Blake? I wonder as he stares at me from his spot in the crowd. I hadn't notice him at first, but now I notice him. He really stands out in the crowd of huge buff men. Don't get me wrong, Blake looks strong and all, but he doesn't look like he's hopped up on steroids while also living at the gym.

I break out of my thoughts as he starts walking towards me. Though I turn away, not really wanting interaction with anyone, especially in front a bunch of guys who look like they could kill me with their thumb. So, I do what any reasonable person would do, I run, my (drowned) phone hitting my leg, comforting me ever so slightly.

911 still works on a water logged phone with a cracked screen, right? I feel some fear pulse into my veins at that thought as I continue to run, getting faster in my desperate attempt to get away. Blake seems nice and all, but maybe I misjudged his 'wannabe' bad boy demeanor. For all I know, he could be a full on criminal.

I must have slowed down in my thoughts because I yanked to a stop abruptly when a hand grabs my shoulder and pulls me back, shoving me into a brick wall. I look up to see that it was not, in fact, a brick wall, but Blake's chest. Maybe he is taking steroids.

"What are doing out here this late Marcy?" He asks as he turns me around to face him, concern in his eyes as he stares at me. "I could ask the same of you." I reply softly, not wanting to explain myself. He notices this dodge but doesn't confront me about it as he answers, "We were just watching a magic trick one of our friends were doing, we weren't doing anything illegal I promise." He says the last part quickly and I can't help but laugh.

"Are you implying that you have done illegal things?" I ask and he lets out a sigh, running a hand through his already messy hair. "I've had my low moments I'm not particularly proud of. I'm smarter now." He says as he looks back the way we had come.

"You call standing in an ally with a group of scary looking men smarter?" I ask with a raised eyebrow and he laughs softly. "Looks can be deceiving, I've seen a few of them cry more than once over sappy romance movies. Or movies like Old Yeller." I look at him in surprise and he offers me an amused smile.

"I never would have guessed." I comment as I start my walk back towards home with Blake following close behind. "No, I didn't when I first met them. They're the ones who got me out of all that junk I was in." He explains as he shakes his head at himself, looking disappointed.

We both fall silent as we walk, him obviously thinking about something while I wonder why he's still walking with me. "So, I answered your question, what about mine?" He looks hopeful and I opt for the most cryptic answer I can manage.

"Let's just say, I was tired of seeing people for a while." I tell him with a sigh and he nods in understanding as my house comes into view. Man, I ran farther than I thought. I think, impressed with myself as I mentally pat my back.

"Don't push them away for too long, otherwise, they might not come back when you need them." He tells me as we stop just outside my door. I stare at him for a moment before sighing and nodding, knowing he's probably right.

He smiles as I reach towards the doorknob, only to be stopped as Blake takes my other hand in his before pulling me close to him. He puts his lips to my ear before whispering, "Be more careful about how late you stay out, okay?" I slowly nod and he smiles against my ear before kissing my cheek and pulling away.

I stare at him with my eyes wide as he smirks and turns away, walking away from the house and back down the street with me watching the whole way. I let out a long breath before shaking my head to clear my mind. I turn back to the door and slowly open is and run to my room.

I could tell someone is up and I have a sneaking suspicion who. Chris would want to talk, but I'm still not ready to go into this conversation again. I just don't have it in me right now. I hear someone call out to me, but by the time it registers I'm already locking myself in my room.

I walk into my bathroom directly after and stare at myself in the mirror. Everything about me seems tired. When I left the house early this morning I ended up just wandering through the park until it got dark. That alone has left my legs burning but it helped to stop thinking. Focusing on the burning helped to take my mind off everyone trying to talk to me about the same thing I've had to say twice now.

I run a hand through my hair before walking back into my room and grabbing some pajamas. I walk back into the bathroom, take a shower, and get all comfortable in my pjs before flopping on top of my bed, setting the poor phone on my nightstand and rolling over to fall asleep.

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