Chapter 18: Love is an Open Door

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Song: Love is an Open Door

By: Frozen

The movie was traumatizing to say the least. It wasn't even the movie itself that was scary, it was Chris. Chris gets really aggressive during movies. He likes to point out any errors he sees and then yell about them. Also, he likes to choose on character he likes the most and one that he hates the most.

He screams at the one he hates and tries to encourage the one he likes. Though, the worst part is when he starts to really get into the movie and try to 'dodge' the attacks or anything about to hit the main character. It gets weird and scary. No one really knows why he acts like this, but he's been like this since we were kids.

I've had a chance to be prepared, but I could tell that Blake is surprised from how many times he jumps when Chris moves and speaks. I have to hold back my laugh at this as his eyes widen in shock and fear. The poor boy. I think by the end as I kneel on the ground to clean up the popcorn Chris had spilled on his rampage.

"Do you want me to help." Chris asks sheepishly as he rubs the back of his neck. I smile as I shake my head no. "It's alright, why don't you go clean this bowl up and put the remaining cookies away. Oh, and grab Blake's clothes out of the dryer for him, they should be done by now." I tell him and he nods quickly as he takes the bowl and cookies back into the kitchen.

Blake kneels down beside me to help and waits for Chris to leave before asking, "Is he always like that during movies?" I laugh before nodding and he stares at me with wide eyes before mouthing the word, 'wow'. We both share a laugh before falling into a comfortable silence as we clean up the rest of the popcorn,

Of course, this silence has to be broken as Blake asks, "Are these your dad's clothes or something?" I look at him in surprise before slowly shaking my head and leaning back on my heels at the mention of the clothes.

He looks at me curiously before copying my position as he waits for me to respond. I suck in a deep breath before diving into my explanation, "They were my brother's..... He drowned about two years ago and I've kept them all this time."

He stares at me in astonishment as he looks between me and the clothes he's wearing. "I-I'm so sorry." He stutters and I can't help but laugh at his expression. "It's alright, he was drunk and..... it all just went bad. He's in a better place now." I tell him with a small, sad smile.

"What was he like?" I look at him in surprise at the question. He turns to look at me with a small smile before asking, "What was your brother like?" I stare at him for a moment before letting out a sigh and flopping down on the ground as I lean back on my hands.

Blake is quick to sit beside me as I start. "He was a great brother. Of course we fought all the time, that's only natural. To be honest, our biggest fight happened the day before he died, but he was still great. He was hilarious and a giant flirt. He had a different girl ever other week, which, was something we would constantly fight about, but he was still there.

Then, he changed. He became a different person when my dad stopped caring. Paul, my brother, was so dependent on our dad's approval and it absolutely crushed him when dad shut him out. That's why he started drinking, which, led to his death."

I end my story as I look at the TV while Blake's stare burns into my skull. I see him move out of the corner of my eye and turn to see him leaning towards me. I tilt my head at him in confusion as he gets closer and am about to ask what he's doing when Chris comes stomping in loudly.

Blake pulls away quickly, his face turning bright red as he does. I watch him curiously as he stands to accept the clothes that Chris offers him. "I'll just go change so you can have these clothes back." He tells me quickly but I stop him with a shake of my head.

"Keep them, I don't really need them anymore." I tell him and he stares at me for a minute before slowly nodding. "Well, I guess I need to be getting home. I'll see you later." He tells me with a small smile as he starts toward the front door.

I stand and walk with him before opening the door for him. "Thanks for coming over and helping me to survive my insane cousin." I tell him and he smiles with a small shake of his head. "Yeah, it was fun. I can't wait until next time." He says with a wink, making warmth creep up the back of my neck in embarrassment.

"Yeah, me too." I murmur, causing him to laugh as he walks outside where the rain has already stopped. He's halfway down the path when I remember something causing me to call out for him to stop. He turns back around and I hold up a finger for him to wait as I go to my coat rack where his coat still hangs.

The coat has that slick fabric that the rain just slides off of it so it's mostly dry by now. I come back to the door and walk up to him with it. "You almost forgot your jacket." I tell him as I hold it up for him to take. He smiles before thanking me and taking it.

I'm about to turn to walk back inside when he leans down and kisses my cheek. I freeze in place, my face burning bright red as I stare up at him. He smiles evilly before whispering, "See you later." With that he turns on his heel and walks away as if nothing happened.

I watch him go with wide eyes before slowly blinking. Of course that's when I finally notice the car parked in front f the garage. It's my dad's car. All of the heat quickly disappears from my face as my dad and Veronica climb out of the car, both with looks of disgust aimed at me.

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