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The TV blinked off by the control of the remote. Merida rolled to her side letting her mass of red curls flop to the ground beside her.

Supernatural? she thought in wonder, rising from the floor and making her way into the hallway. She grabbed her coat from the rack.

"Dad! I'm going for a walk!" She didn't wait for a reply before leaving the house.

Outside there was a bitter cold settling in the air. Snow crunched under her boots like leaves in autumn; her cheeks flushed pink from the cold winds. She dug her hands deeper into her pockets. Small snowflakes settled in her hair as she walked to a nearby corner shop.

The bell above the door signalled her arrival as she made her way to the magazines, picking up the latest The Daily Mail newspaper. As she flicked through its contents a small TV in the corner, tuned in to the news channel, caught her attention.

An independent prison in Alaska has been set up for these supernaturals, designed especially to keep them and their abilities contained and separated from our world. The prison is already home to 23 individuals. This is just the beginning of what the government has in store for these outsiders.

That was Claire Butler BBC news

To Merida it seemed stupid to be caging these 'special' people. Surely they were just like everyone else- minus the supernatural power they possessed- just normal people with families and ambitions they wished to protect and achieve. All of that just thrown away because of some genetic modification that corrupted their chances of living a normal life. None of it seemed fair.

She trudged her way through the snow-burdened roads, newspaper folded neatly under her arm as she buried her face in the front of her coat. Why did winter in Scotland have to be so hostile?

"Dad! I'm back!" she yelled as the door clicked behind her. No answer. She placed her coat back on the rack and went to check in her Dad's study. Nothing. He was either out or somewhere hidden away in the far end of the house. She dumped the paper on his desk and hurried out in case he'd appear in the few seconds she had been there.

Merida had always had a slight fear of her Dad. Despite the way he constantly mucked about and pushed her Mum's buttons until she was on the brink of explosion or how he put a smile on her face when she came home. However, he was a police officer; uniform, badge, scary demeanour. He didn't mean to be scary, it was his job and his family were happy of that, forgetting the fact his rough and tough attitude showed through at home. It paid the bills and that was what mattered.

Her Mum, on the other hand, was a nurse. A caring, protective role model. There was no questioning why Merida was glad that this personality shone through at home.

Both her parents were polar opposites; Yin and Yang, Light and Dark, Fire and Ice, Cheese and Sprinkles. Well they had to be in order to tame Merida's three triplet brothers.

Hamish, Hubert and Harris, they were 6, complete mischief makers. It never helped that they looked identical, no, it just allowed them to fool any baby sitter thrown at them; all except their older sister of course. Merida had known them since birth and was the teacher of the majority of their wild pranks, not only did she know every trick in the book but she knew how each boy was different from the other. For example, Hamish was ever so slightly taller than the others and had a small scar on the back of his hand; Hubert had a small cluster of freckles above one eyebrow and Harris was the smallest of the three. So there was no fooling Merida.

She bound up the stairs and along the corridor to her room, turning her CD player on as she entered, letting Nickelback flow from the speakers. She lay back on her bed and reached for her phone, swiping her finger across the screen to unlock it. 3 notifications; 2 new messages and 1 email. She opened her texts and came across the latest, 2 new messages from MK.

Hey Mer, meet me at Tiana's place, I need to talk to you.

Mavis will meet us there, 3.30. Please be there xx

Merida checked her clock. 3.15. She had 15 minutes to get to Tiana's place, a café in the centre of town. She quickly typed a reply.

Sure. I'll be there in a jiffy.

She skipped downstairs, grabbed her coat for the second time that day and stepped into the crisp air of Scottish winter.

A/n What do you think of it so far? In my opinion this has to be the best written chapter I have ever produced. Your opinions?

I'm hoping to update around every Friday? How does that sound?

Thanks for reading.


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