For some reason I just couldn’t help but feel a little excited, hoping the other had written me back.  I grew even more excited when I saw him drop the folded up napkin through the fence and proceeded to go to where he usually sat. 

I hurried over to the note, plucking it from the ground and I went to my own spot, leaning against the wall and slowly slid down to sit as I unfolded it. 

“Did you kill him?”

Words horribly written in what I’m guessing red crayon.

I narrowed my eyes, looking over at him and saw he wasn’t looking at me. 

I slip my hand into my pocket and took the pen out, smoothing the napkin against the ground, clicking the pen and began to write back.

“How did you know about that?”

I scratched the back of my head, before adding onto it.

“And you didn’t answer my question.”

I folded the napkin, clicking the pen closed and slipped it into my pocket and I stood, going over to the fence and saw him playing with something. I squinted to figure out what he was doing, but looked behind me and saw no one was paying attention before I ran my hand along the fence and made it rattle a little. He quickly looked up, a blade of hair falling over his orange mask. He got up to his feet and started his way over to me, and I quickly just dropped the note and stepped back, moving away before he could get close enough. He just snatched the note up with one hand and stuffed it into his pocket. He looked up at me, making me gulp hard, his dark eyes meeting mine. 

It took all I had to break the contact and I looked down at his other hand, seeing a dead rat in his grip. Blood dripping from it and staining his white pants. Blinking a couple times, I turn and made my way back to my spot, sitting down and avoiding to look at him. 

Something was very different about him. 

Like something that was so pure evil that no man on God’s green Earth could handle it. 

I bit my lip, looking up and saw he was gone. I quickly looked around and saw he was no where in sight. Blinking, I sit up a little more and craned my neck, but didn’t see him. 

There was just something about him that made me afraid, yet at the same time it made me even more curious. Rachel said he has been here since he was six years old after killing his sister, but no one knew why. 

But I was nosey, and I wanted to know. 

Sighing, I shook my head and looked down, seeing weeds growing through a crack in the wall and I started to pick at it, flicking grass around as I picked the plant by tiny pieces until I heard the fence again. I looked up, seeing the note being tossed through the fence and saw Michael moving back away and I moved to stand. 

Slowly, I made my way over, but hesitant since he was still a little close.

But from up close, I noticed just how awfully tall he was. I was 5’4”, so just looking at him I could tell he was approximately 6’2 maybe taller than that. I gulped and took the note, stepping back but kept my eye on his through the mask. 

Arching an eyebrow, I couldn’t help but ask. 

“Do you talk?”

But no reply. He just looked at me for a moment before turning to walk away.

Well then.

Narrowing my brows, I shook my head and looked down at the napkin and I started to unfold it. 

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