" Are you coming back everyday? " I questioned.

" I have school tomorrow " She answered.

At night,

" I'll see you after school lets have a friendship date tomorrow and get to know each other more " I recommended.

" Okay, see you tomorrow " Yoojung waved to me and went home.

I went back to Rocky's room,

" How did it go? Your shirt is wet " He said.

" It went fine, she got a bit emotional but it's ok now " I said back.

" Okay " He smiled.

" Do you...... Like her? " I asked.

" Well, I guess so " He replied.

" Oh then, I'll be going " I said as I left the room.

I closed the door and walked out the hospital,

" I don't have a chance, do I? " I asked myself.

" Oh, you're still here !" Someone called.

" Yoojung ah, you haven't gone home " I walked up to her.

" I was gonna spend the night here because there are no more buses but I see you're going home, can I have a ride? " She questioned cutely.

" Sure " As soon as we got in the taxi, she fell asleep.

I didn't know the way to the camp because I took a bus there so I took her to my house. I put her down on my bed and took a shower. What a long day


- Yoojung's pov-

I woke up at 4am because I felt something, know it or not... It was Jae Hyun, he still needs a pillow to hug like a little boy.

" Jae Hyun ah, I'll get going now " I tapped his shoulder.

" Okay " He whispered in his sleeps.

Such a sleepy pig...

I went back to our camp site and change into my school uniform,

" Where did you go last night? " Sunji questioned.

" Oh, I was visiting Rocky in the hospital " I answered.

" You must be really worried " She added.

" He's fine, we have school right? Then I'll leave first " I said as I continue making my way to the school.

I went in the classroom and saw Nayoung sitting there in her spot next to me,

" You came back after all " Nayoung stated.

" What do you mean? " I asked.

" I thought you'll stay in the hospital since the accident was your fault " She replied glaring at me.

" Mind your own business, nobody needs your help " I told her.

I put my bag in my locker and got ready for the first class which was PE.

" Yoo jung ah, is Rocky okay? " The PE teacher said.

" Yeah, he woke up yesterday " I said back.

" That's good news, okay then everybody line up and let's start " He called all the students to gather in the field.


After school, I saw Jaehyun in front of the gate waiting for me.

" Jaehyun ah! " I called.

he turned and smiled,

" Let's go " He said as he offer to hold my bag.

We got on a taxi and drove somewhere

" Where are we going? " I asked him.

" Somewhere you'll love " He replied.

I just kept quiet and wait for the taxi to arrive, the wind outside was blowing hard and the view of flowers caught my attention.

" We're here " Jaehyun pulled me out of the car.

It was the.........

If you're curious about where they are, please read the next chapter and don't forget to vote^^ thanks!

The Bet // Astro Rocky 라키 & I.O.I Choi Yoo Jung ff //Where stories live. Discover now