Chapter 27: Riddle's Lair

Start from the beginning

In fact, the entire morning felt unreal. In a very odd way, the Chamber felt like their place, where they had first created a bond with each other, when Harry had risked his life to save her. She might not have imagined revisiting this place before, but it felt entirely appropriate now. It was almost as if they had completed some unfinished business, from when they had been too young to finish it. Well, we finished it now, she thought with a smile.

Ginny glanced over at Harry, who appeared lost in thought, almost a little apprehensive. She wondered what he was thinking about; with Harry, one never knew what he might be worrying about.

"Harry?" she asked tentatively, wondering if she should let him have his thoughts. They had both been very quiet for some time.

He appeared startled out of his reverie. "Yeah?" he said, looking at her curiously.

"Are you worried about something?" she asked. "If you don't want to talk about it, that's all right. I just..."

Harry paused, gazing down at the blanket nervously. He glanced up quickly, then looked down again. "Erm, well, I guess I was wondering... well... what your parents will think of... us. Together."

Suddenly it hit Ginny what had been going on with him lately... why he'd seemed to be drawing away from her in the month before the Ball. It was all so clear... he was worried about her family's reaction. He was worried about losing them if things didn't work out between them. Compassion rose up in her, and also a little guilt for how angry she'd been with him over the Ball. He had still waited an insultingly long time, but she understood him better now. Somehow all those problems seemed trivial now.

She reached over and squeezed his hand. "Have you been worrying about that for a while now?"

Harry swallowed and nodded silently, still keeping his gaze down.

"Harry, one of the best days of my mother's life will be when she hears we're together," Ginny said, smiling. Harry looked up with such a startled expression that Ginny couldn't help giggling. "Why does that shock you so much? My parents love you."

"Erm, I guess I just figured... that it might be different... if we were... you know, going out. I mean, Ginny, you know I'm not the safest person to be around," Harry said reluctantly.

"If my parents were concerned about that, do you think they would invite you to our home?" Ginny said. "Er, this is a little embarrassing, but if it will make you feel better... let me tell you something. My mum isn't the subtlest mother on earth. She asked a lot of questions about... well, you and me, over the summer. I'm certain she thought she was being very clever, but I think I can safely say that she was very much in favor of things."

"Over the summer!?" Harry asked, appearing mortified. "What... what did she... how did... she know?"

"Oh, Harry, don't worry. She just saw us spending more time together over the summer," Ginny said. She laughed at Harry's expression of relief.

There was a long pause as she smiled at him, just enjoying the connection that was so strong between them right now. She then sighed, thinking it was probably time to go. "Are you about ready?"

Harry nodded, actually looking a little reluctant. "Yeah."

They got up off the floor, peering around the Chamber. It felt so different to Ginny now; looking at Harry, he appeared to see it differently as well. She suspected that the whole thing had cleared out a few of his burdens, too.

Ginny walked up to the statue, peering up at the face and the open mouth. "This is where the basilisk lived?" She looked at the base of the statute, and then noticed an odd seam... and there was a serpent symbol next to it.

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