Chapter 19: The Chronicle of Snape

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The Awakening Power

by Sib

Chapter 19: The Chronicle of Snape

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Harry awoke the next morning, a smirk rising to his lips after the prank of the previous evening. He felt very satisfied with the joke and believed that it more than made up for the pranks over the summer that the twins had played on him. Sirius would have approved, he thought with a smile.

He looked over at Ron, who was still snoring in his bed after the late night events. He started pulling on his clothes, trying not to wake him, but Ron opened his eyes and grinned at him. Harry grinned back.

"That was brilliant," Ron said, chortling.

Suddenly Harry had a sense of disquiet. "Erm, you don't suppose they might... retaliate, do you?"

Ron narrowed his eyes and considered the possibilities. "You never know with those two gits. We better watch our backs."

"Yeah. Well, I'll see you downstairs," Harry said, walking to the door.

He reached toward the door knob, but then stopped, peering at the door suspiciously. "Do you think...?" Harry said, glancing back at Ron.

"Wait!" Ron said. He dove under the covers for safety. "All right, now try it," he said, voice muffled.

Harry glared at him. "A lot of help you are," he grumbled. He pulled out his wand and waved it at the door. "Finite Incantatem!"

"Can't hurt," came Ron's voice from beneath the pile of blankets.

Harry turned the door knob cautiously, then waited a second, while the door was still closed. Having an idea, he moved to the side of the door, hugging the wall, then flung the door open. The door banged against the wall, but nothing happened.

"All right, I think we're safe," Harry said cautiously.

Ron peeked out from beneath his blanket. "Safe so far. I don't trust them at all," he said.

Harry peered out into the corridor, but all seemed quiet. He took a cautious step through the threshold, with nothing happening.

"Well, can't stay in here forever," Harry said. "See you downstairs."

"All right, mate. Watch the bathroom; Fred and George love toilet pranks," Ron called.

Harry gulped. Maybe he would use the bathroom next to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley's room for a while.

He walked down the stairs, slowing as he spotted Fred and George waiting at the bottom. They had apparently cleaned themselves up; all the various colors were gone, although Harry could see a few welts here and there from the pinching curses.

"Harry, old man, could we have a word with you?" said Fred, smiling jovially.

"What?" Harry said suspiciously.

"First, let us say that was a brilliant prank last night," said George, clapping him on the back. Harry flinched, wondering if George had just slapped something on him. Harry surreptitiously moved toward a mirror on the wall where he could get a good look at his back.

"Corking good joke," Fred continued. "Frankly, we didn't think you had it in you."

"Thanks," Harry said cautiously, not wanting to say it was Ginny's idea and get her targeted by them.

"Of course, we suspect that it wasn't your idea. This had Ginny's fingerprints all over it. Even our dear brother wouldn't have thought of something like this," George said, nodding wisely.

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