15. The necessity for apologies

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Oh my God, Harry had to stop doing this to me. My heart was doing gymnastics and my breathing was ragged. So that I wouldn't do something stupid, like throw myself at him, I  focused my attention on what Carly had written and corrected a couple of spelling and grammatical mistakes.

"It needs a heading too, if you don't mind," said Carly. "Something that will attract people's attention."

I thought for a moment and then typed in, "Ever thought about what you'd really like to say to Liam, Louis, Niall, Zayn and Harry? Now's your chance!"

"Thank you so much!" smiled Carly. "I appreciate all your help."

When she'd gone, Harry said to me, "How is it you manage to be so nice as well as smart, funny and gorgeous?"

"I could say the same about you," I said, meeting his eyes.

OK, here it came, yet another moment. Perhaps I should suggest we adjourned to his dressing room and devote what little time we had left to once more getting to know each other better.

"Hey Harry, can I borrow you for a moment please?"

Damn. It was Cal, who was sitting at a nearby table with his laptop open in front of him.

"Won't take a moment," he called out.

"Excuse me, Emma," murmured Harry. He got up and walked over to Cal and stood behind him, looking over his shoulder at some photos Cal had up on the screen of his MacBook. I couldn't quite make out what they were.

Gemma had picked up another magazine from the coffee table, and after flicking through it, stopped on the crossword page.

"You wouldn't happen to have a pen I could borrow, Emma?" she asked.

"Sure," I said, reaching into my bag. 'You're a crossword fan?"

"Yep," said Gemma. "I'm rubbish at the cryptic, but I like the others."

"Me too," I said. "My mum and I do them together."

"So do my mum and I," she said. "Sometimes we let Harry do them too."

"Is he any good?" I asked, looking up to where he was leaning over Cal's shoulder, pointing at photos on the screen.

"He thinks he is," said Gemma. "Right, do you want to give me a hand here? 1 across, capital city of Cuba - that's Havana."

I read out that next clue.

"Sports team's symbol of good luck - that must be mascot," I pointed out to her.

"OK, 5 across, the clue is bold and cheeky - five letters," Gemma said.

"The answer's Louis!" called out Louis.

I laughed. "I think it could be sassy," I told Gemma.

"Same thing," grinned Louis.

"Right, 1 down, sexy man - four letters," said Gemma.

"Zayn!" called out Zayn, a big smile lighting up his face. It was amazing how different he looked when he smiled.

"Hey, quiet in the cheap seats," I said to the pair of them, who were still sprawled in the bean bags.

"It starts with H - could it be hunk?" I suggested.

"Yep. Next, 7 across, smell - five letters," continued Gemma.

"Niall!" chorused Zayn and Louis in unison.

"You're so mean to me," pouted Niall, crossing his arms and pretending to look annoyed.

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