11. The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed

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My admission that I was the same star sign as Harry stopped the conversation dead.

"Well, there's a coincidence," said Louis eventually.

"Bloody hell," muttered Gemma.

"Really?" said Harry softly.

I nodded.

"When's your birthday?" Harry asked.

"February 5."

"Four days after mine."


"You know it's all a load of complete shite, this horoscopes nonsense?" said Louis.

"Of course," said Harry. But his eyes were not saying the same thing. He was still gazing at me, and I couldn't help wondering if the words 'this will change your life forever' were bouncing around his brain like they were in mine.

Eventually I forced myself to look away because locking eyes with him like that was just too intense.

"Gemma? What are you?" I asked.


"OK." I took a deep breath. "You've been frustrated with the way your career is progressing, but try not to stress too much. You will achieve the goals you have set yourself, but you need to work hard to get there. Putting in the long hours is definitely worth it."

"Oh, that's just fabulous," she huffed. "Everyone else gets go wild or your life is about to change forever, and I get told to work hard."

"So have you actually got a career then?" asked Louis.

"Fuck off, Tommo," said Gemma, good-naturedly.

"Uh oh, here comes trouble," said Liam. Sam, their tour manager, was striding towards us.

"Anyone seen Zayn?" Sam asked.

"Try his dressing room," said Louis.

"I just did," said Sam. "He's not there."

"He might be eating," said Niall. "He didn't show up for dinner so he might have gone in search of food."

"OK," said Sam, giving me a slightly quizzical look, then walking away.

"Sorry, that was rude of me, you haven't actually been introduced to Sam, have you?" said Harry.

"No." I shook my head. "But I do know who he is. I've got an idea of who a few people are just from, um, being a fan."

It seemed kind of weird to admit that I knew so much about his world and the people he spent time with.

"What about the blonde woman over, talking to the guy in the grey top? Do you know who she is?"

"Umm... is that Helene? Your vocal coach?"

"Very good. And the guy she's talking to?"

This was a bit more tricky. I couldn't see him properly because he was turned side on.

"Sorry, don't know."

"That's Paul, our choreographer. And what about those two over there, by the door?"

That was easy. "Josh Devine and Sandy Beales. Your drummer and bass guitarist. Do I get points for getting them right?"

"Yeah," he grinned at me. "And when you get to 10 points, you get a prize."

"Oh, do I now?"

"Yep, and I promise you, it will be a good one."

"Is that right?"

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