Chapter 6: Pensieve Dreams and Stranger Things

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"All right. Dumbledore told me something in his office after the Ministry last year. Something - hard to take. It concerns the prophecy that was destroyed in the Department of Mysteries. Dumbledore told me what the prophecy said."

"How could he tell you if it was smashed?" Ron said.

"Because Dumbledore was there when the prophecy was made. It was made by Trelawney," Harry said.

"Trelawney?" Ron said dubiously.

"This wasn't one of her tea leaf readings. It was one of her real ones. Dumbledore believed it."

"Okay. So what did it say? What's so bad about it?" Ron said.

Harry sighed. "You had best hear it for yourself."

Harry brought his wand to his temple and placed the memory into the Pensieve. He touched his wand to the odd substance, as he gave the incantation to show the memory above the Pensieve. Trelawney began to speak, repeating the prophecy.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches...born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies ... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not ... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives ... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies ..."

Ron, Hermione and Ginny sat stunned as they listened to the prophecy. A long silence ensued, as they tried to assimilate the words.

"Oh, Harry, I'm sorry," said Hermione, finally. "You've been living with this all summer?"

"Harry, mate..." Ron said weakly. He didn't seem to have any words.

Harry squirmed. He knew this was going to be the reaction. He hated pity.

Ginny, however, seemed to have recovered and looked thoughtful. "It's - interesting, isn't it?"

Harry blinked at her. "Well, that's not quite the word I would use, but..."

"Harry, don't you see? It's good news, from a certain point of view," Ginny said, with a resolute look.

"Good news?" Ron said incredulously. "Have you lost your mind? Did you hear what it said? It's either Harry or You-Know-Who to the death!"

"Yes, it did. And what else is new? In case you haven't noticed, You-Know-Who has already tried to kill Harry four times, before we even knew about the prophecy. Did you think he was suddenly going to stop? We already know that he wants Harry dead." Ginny grimaced and turned to Harry. "Sorry, Harry, I don't mean to say it so baldly."

Harry would have smiled if the subject weren't so grim. "No, you're right. It's not exactly big news. But what's the good news?"

"The good news is that the prophecy says that you can defeat him. Harry, There's no doubt any more. It's not a question of whether you can defeat him. You can. You have a power that the 'Dark Lord knows not'."

"But Ginny, it doesn't say that he will defeat him," Ron said.

"He will," Ginny said confidently. "Look, how many people have escaped from You-Know-Who four times? Much less by the age of fifteen? Not even counting Harry defeating Tom Riddle. Doesn't it seem like there is some sort of - fate - at work here?"

Harry felt a bit embarrassed at her assurance. But somehow he did feel better. He hadn't thought about it that way - what really had changed? Voldemort was trying to kill him anyway, but now he knew that it was possible to win. The prophecy said so. He just needed to figure out how. He still might die, but there was a chance.

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