Chapter XV

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An admirer bold enough to threaten me? Did that person figure out my real identity or was all of it meant just as a bluff? There was a possibility that the abduction of Mr. Trump was also nothing but an intelligent guess. No, perhaps I could be oversimplifying everything and underestimating my opponent. Chalking up cold hard facts as coincidence is something better fit for the police to do. Someone out there was aware of my victim and was quick enough to act in a manner that would displease me. It was sign of extreme intelligence and cunning. Could the person also be a sociopath like me but twisted in a different way? Perhaps interested not in the kill but rather in the hunt? Although joining forces might be a nice end to the ordeal but I believe elimination would be a safer bet. Nevertheless, I would need to tread carefully.

Another possibility would be that the whole situation was nothing but a setup. A ruse to rope me in. But, if it were so, then Mr. Trump would probably be aware of the information regarding who I was. And this entire meeting was put in place to keep misleading me? Why not arrest me though? Because they have no evidence? Certainly a set of logical and valid questions. However, from his interactions, I couldn't deduce any ill will. Or could he be a really good actor? Even if my identity was safe for the moment, the plausibility that the wise old Commissioner and the sly reporter were just keeping everyone else out of the loop and planning out an elaborate act could not be ignored. Perhaps their caution was in order to not let anything, or rather anyone, slip away. In any case, resting easy was out of the picture until I found out more about this new character.

"Well Gerald, I shall be off then. These two will be here to keep an eye on you," said the Commissioner on his way out.

"You know I don't really need it Ronald."

"I wasn't asking."

"Shouldn't the one being provided police protection be the one requesting it?"

Clearly Mr. Trump wasn't quite fond of the arrangement. After all, being under surveillance was not good for his business.

"In your specific case, I'll make an exception."

"Taking the law into our own hands are we, Commissioner?"

Interesting, as far as I knew, Mr. Trump hardly ever called him by his title whenever in an informal setting.

"Then sue me."

"I just might," said an annoyed Mr. Trump.

"I'll take my chances in court then."

"Come on Ronald! It's bad for business, you know that!" pleaded Mr. Trump.

Guess he knew that the there was no point challenging his caring friend head-on.

"If you're talking about those sewer rats keeping their distance from, I'd consider it a minor inconvenience in comparison to your safety. Also, it might just be better under the present circumstances."

If all of it were to be an act, these two men deserve Oscars!

"Only an idiot would agree to that sort of an argument Ronald!"

The Commissioner was clearly displeased with Mr. Trump's protests but he brushed them off.

"It's for your own good. Also, you might want to keep that tongue in check asshole. We're friends but I'm still the Chief of Police here."

"You can take that title and shove it up where the sun don't shine! I don't give a rat's ass about your position or your power, especially when you're ruining my chances of getting valuable information out of my trusted informants."

The Commissioner waved off the insults Mr. Trump threw at him and just walked away.

"Can you believe the nerve on that guy!" said Mr. Trump walking back into the living room and plopping down on the couch. The two constables followed and stood in front of him.

"What are you two stooges looking at? Don't you have things to do? Go stare at the hallway or something."

The two men just looked at each other and walked away.

"Should you be talking to them like that sir?"

"Fuck it! That's what Ronald's gonna get for pushing my buttons. I'm gonna make his boys even grab me the morning coffee from now on."

"I'm sure that's not in their job description sir."

"The fuck do I care? Ronald's the one who put me in this crap of a situation!"

"I believe he just wants you to be safe sir."

What else could I have said?

"Safe my ass! The man is just a control freak!"

"You should be more cautious though. I mean, you were just abducted by a random psychopath."

"I believe it's the Barber who needs to be more careful. Going by his psyche, he wouldn't be coming after me anytime soon. I don't think his guts would let him. He's a psychopath too after all."

Well, he was right about that. It wasn't because I was enraged or had any other feeling towards this new opponent of mine. I just couldn't function in my usual nonchalant manner with the knowledge that someone would be watching. Although I might fall into the category of a psychopath for the most part, I'd still be a sociopath. I feel my kill. It completely excites me, arouses me, feeds me!

"I wonder how I am to put this message out to him?"

If only he knew that he'd already delivered it.

"Perhaps you could write about it in the paper?"

"And look like a thirsty juvenile journalist who couldn't come up with anything better? No thanks! I believe this information should be leaked through my sources in somewhat of a cautious manner. If the Barber is as good as I think he is, he'll intercept the message for sure. Not to mention, based on how I send out the information, I can even narrow down the whereabouts of the guy."

"But with the surveillance, how are you gonna do that?"

"I have you, don't I."

Damn. I'd have to be careful how I deal with the whole errand boy outfit I'd be wearing soon. The plus of it all would be the fact that I get to meet Mr. Trump's information sources.

"But why would the Barber go through the trouble of intercepting your sources sir?"

"Because I'm the one that got away," said Mr. Trump smiling.

"As simple as that sir?"

"Yes, as simple as that, Clyde."

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