Chapter I

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There she was; standing on the sidewalk, right on schedule. I'd been carefully mapping out her routine for the past few weeks. A lawyer by trade; she was one of the strongest women in the city. A fine specimen just waiting to be broken down. She'd make the perfect lamb. How fortunate! Or rather, for her of course, unfortunate.

She'd leave her apartment every third day of the week like clockwork. It was time for her to go meet her lover. Her husband Dr. Lester Roman, would be busy plowing the head nurse at the clinic at this hour. It gave her about three hours to have a romantic rendezvous of her own in the meantime. If nothing else, she was proud of her husband's libido, even if it wasn't directed towards her anymore.

Her lover Mikael, was a young Russian painter learning the ropes at the university. Turns out he'd been clocking in extra hours to learn a lot more from the temporary art instructor and nude model; up close and personal. Guess I shall be disappointing the young lad tonight since I had my own little masterpiece to finish. You win some, you lose some.

"Where to love?"

"You know where."

That I did. Lately, I'd become part of her routine too. But tonight I'd plans to change all that. I'd no longer be part of her routine but she'd definitely be part of mine; forever!

Although I wouldn't promise her the same passionate session of lovemaking that she was looking forward to with her Russian boy toy, I definitely had every intention of breaking her husband's record time. It'd be a really long, sweet, and intoxicating night filled with dark red crimson and melodiously muffled pleadings. Perhaps she'd even reward me with an orgasm. Most of the tough ones tend to derive some pleasure from torture.

"Hey! Step on it, will you? I'm on a schedule here," she said from the backseat as I put the car back in drive.

"Yes ma'am," I responded before whispering to myself. "So am I."


I watched with great enthusiasm as she slept peacefully on the table. Meanwhile, I prepared myself for the pleasure games that would soon ensue. Although, I wouldn't say she'd be enjoying herself quite as much in comparison. The preparations were almost complete but the fun couldn't possibly begin before she woke up.

And so I waited.

Patiently standing by her side, I keenly observed even the slightest of movements of her closed eyelids with ever-growing anticipation. In a corner lay her majestic blonde hair. I'm pretty sure she were quite proud of it. Long, straight and well maintained; fresh from the remnants of the spa treatment from earlier in the day. I wonder how she'll react to the fact that a strand of it shall soon join my collection of trophies. Or to the fact that she now lay bare on the table like the day she were born; sans clothes, sans hair. And so I waited, for life's short, and every moment should be savored; even if it were to end.

She moaned once, and I realized that I was holding my breath. Any second I could be blessed with the opportunity to commence my special ritual; one that would prolong and enhance my bliss a thousand folds. I wasn't in any hurry, oh no; the waiting only added to my excitement. Not to mention, it'd be sort of rude to interrupt her last few moments of a peaceful life. Besides, with a very keen imagination like mine, holding back was completely worth the trouble.

She opened her eyes slowly. It was evident that there were still remnants of the drug in her system. I could tell that she were finding her eyelids to be heavy. She forced them open anyway in order to figure out where she was; not that it'd help her. I watched on as her eyes widened when she saw me. She tried saying something but the mouth gag I'd put in seemed to be doing its job quite magnificently. Only spit and muffled cries came out as she strained against the piece of cloth against her cherry red lips.

I picked up the scalpel and rolled up my sleeves. This was the best part of the whole ordeal. I leaned in, my lips almost brushing against her right ear.

"Don't worry darling. We're going to have a lot of fun tonight. And I'll be taking extra good care of you."


She'd been strapped onto the table for almost three hours now. I'd left her alone with my handmade Chinese water torture device. It was particularly effective in breaking people down but worked even better against someone with limited courage. Guess I should have used it on Ms. Disappointing to have her mellow out instead of rushing things. Oh well, lessons are best learntd the hard way; through the experience of failures.

I watched her eyes widen as I moved in closer. With each step I took, as if on cue to the slow rise of the mournful and profound "Adagio sostenuto", I could almost feel her breathing getting worse. The psychological damage inflicted by my torture device was also evident. I liked the Chinese water torture better than water-boarding, it saved me money on my utility bills. A serial killer has bills to pay too after all. But, the fun was only just beginning.

Her make up was ruined with the tears rolling down the sides of her eyes. Her black eyeliner had spread all across her cheek like the branches of a tree. As I moved in closer with my scalpel, I could almost taste the sweetness of her flesh. Ah the delectable yet cold melody of screams that would soon accompany the masterpiece known as Beethoven's fourteenth! The thought alone was enough to send shivers down my spine and lead me on to nirvana.

With every incision I made to the rising 'Allegretto', her cries of agony could only be explained as the perfect harmony to an otherwise humorous rendition of a flower between two chasms. I put down the scalpel and picked up the brand new pliers I'd kept on a Bunsen burner's flame. As the red hot metal touched her perfectly manicured nails, she tried her best to struggle out of her restraints but to no avail. I took my time pulling the nails out of their skin beds before yanking them out; slowly and painfully, one by one.

Beads of sweat formed on my forehead as I tried to withhold the demons inside; they desperately awaited the ultimate climax. I could see her whole body convulsing as I put back the pliers and picked up the scalpel once more. I moved the small blade straight to her nether regions, gently prodding the bud of her open flower. As the notes on the piano entered "Presto agitato", I decided it was time to take it to the next level.

Beginning with nipping the bud clean off, my movements became quite agitated. I placed marks of my love for her flesh all over her bosom and thighs. Then it was time to mark her for the butchering. As the time drew near to drop the final curtains, I could realize that her eyes spoke of submission; a fate she'd ascertained to be inevitable. I picked up the thin long blade I'd prepared personally for all my favorites and placed it right at her heart before taking the plunge; deep and sure. There was a moment when our eyes met. Then her body relaxed while her eyes lost their shine.

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