Chapter II

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"In tonight's big story, the police have discovered another dismembered corpse. The body was dumped in separate trash bags in a dumpster near the beach. The remains were identified to be of the most expensive criminal attorney in town, Mrs. Melinda Roman. She was recently in the news for having taken up the most notorious drug mafia king Don Aldini as her client. He's presently under investigation for drug smuggling and peddling charges. Although the MO of the homicide is said to match with that of an infamous serial killer, the police spokesperson reported that they shall leave no possibility unexplored. She further mentioned their efforts wherein the police shall investigate the deceased's clientele as well as any known enemies the lawyer might have made through her work as plausible suspects."

"She was such a generous person. I can't believe this happened to her."

The good doctor didn't really sound convincing but then again, he barely knew his own wife. The channel cut back to their news anchor quickly after.

"The police are further investigating any and all cases wherein the victim was associated. They're also screening the individuals that the sent to jail as well as their known associates."

"We shall leave no stone unturned," said the police spokesperson on the screen right before she got whisked away by a lieutenant for another briefing.

"The chief of police has called for a press meet post the autopsy and has promised to shed more light into the case", the reporter continued. "In another horror filled moment for the people of-"

I couldn't help but sigh as I switched off the television. I guess I should have also left a greeting card or something; make it easier for the police. Do they not see how insulting it is to be put on the same level as a common criminal? I don't do it for revenge or for a sense of justice. I do it for the sheer pleasure of the act. When will people understand the likes of me?

"Hey Clyde, could you take over my shift tomorrow?" Leon asked. "I'm in earnest my boy. It's our anniversary, you know. Bonnie's gonna kill me if I don't make it special this time around. It's been twenty five years!"

I could tell the sixty year old bastard was lying. He'd never do anything for his wife.

"I can't wait for that old hag to just have a heart attack and die!"

That's what he'd said a while back when we'd gone out drinking one night with the rest of the crew. It's rather funny how alcohol can make people pour their hearts out. Precisely why I'd mastered the art of handling my alcohol a long time ago. Socializing is a major part of staying under the radar but if I were to let it slip and people were to realize the kind of being I were on the inside, I wouldn't be getting off easy like old Leon would. Even if his wife were to ever find out his motel whore a few miles out.

"I honestly can't believe the two of you made it this long."

"My boy, when you get to the age I'm at, it just comes to you. However, if you can help it, don't ever get married. It's not the same as advertised," he said breaking into laughter.

Marriage huh? Well, who'd want to date a waiter by day, taxi driver by night and a serial killer in between kind of a guy anyway? But, I guess I'll let Leon have his moment.

"Don't ruin it for me grandpa. I'm still young."

"Been there done that. Take the tip kid. You're better off by yourself. Thanks for covering me by the way."

And with that, he walked through the door and into the kitchen. He never even gave me a chance to respond, not that I'd have said no.


"A mighty nice evening, ain't it sir?" I said as I opened the door for Mr. Gerald Trump.

"It certainly is my dear Clyde," he said climbing into the back.

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