Chapter 11

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Zayn POV

"Come on, Zayn! Let's go! You'll love it! It's gonna be all of us again, just hanging out. I'm sure she won't be there," Niall said convincing me to go with

them and their girlfriends whom I'd recently found out where Carolina's friends. I sighed. "Fine. It can't be that bad. I mean, at least carolina won't be there," I say nonchalantly, her name being said by me for the first time in a long time. "Great! Now I'll just call the boys..." he says pushing on of the

speed dial numbers and calling someone, probably Louis. "Hello? April?.... Yeah, he said yes. We'll be there soon.....really?! Perfect!....uh huh...okay. Ten

minutes....Love you too babe," he says hanging up. "Let's go," he says grabbing my arm and taking me to his car.

Carolina POV (same time as with Zayn)

"Carolina! You'll have a lot of fun! And I'm pretty sure he won't be there! It'll just be us," April says poking me. "I don't know. I don't really want

to...." I tell her. "Oh don't be a party pooper!" she says grabbing my hand and moving it around. I laugh and smile. "Oh all right! When is it?" "Right now! Get

up! Get dressed and out of those sweats at least!" she says making me stand up and slapping me to my drawer to change. I change into some jeans, a tshirt and converse. "Let's go then," I tell her as her phone rings. "Hold on a sec," she tells me fishing it out. "Yes?...uh huh. Did he..?....Great! She did too!...I

know! Okay so we'll be there soon. Be there in ten....Love you Niall...." she hangs up, a smile on her face. "Now we can go." I roll my eyes at her and pick

up my bag. Fifteen minutes later we arrive at a sort of house. I see everyone and begin to greet them until a blindfold is around my eyes and I'm being taken

somewhere. "Hey! What gives?" I ask. "You'll know right!" Amber's voice sounds in my ear. I'm pushed into a room and as I pull off the blindfold I

notice two things. One is that the door behind me clicked with a lock and two....Zayn was standing in front of me.

3rd POV

"What are you doing here?" Carolina asked. "I could be asking you the same question," Zayn replies. "Whatever. I'm out of here," she tells him. She turns

away and tries the door. It's locked. "Let me out of here, you guys!" I yell through the door. "No!" Kirra replies. "Especially not until you work out your

problem!" Louis adds. "Yeah! It's been four months!" April says. "Figure it out!" Niall calls. "We're sick of it!" Gerlyn shouts. "And we know it hurts you

too," Harry says. "We can see it in your attitudes," Danielle says. "And just in how you are in your moods," Liam says. "There is food and water in there because we have no idea how long you'll be in there because you're both so damn stubborn," Josh says.  "Carolina, Zayn, please try. Because you're not getting out until its all worked out and you've talked it through," Amber tells us and then they go silent. Carolina places her head on the wall. "This isn't going to work guys. Just let us out. We don't want to talk," Carolina says. Nothing, just silence.

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