Chapter 10

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Zayn POV

I was standing in my room, forehead on the door. Pounding my fist onto the wall, I begin swearing under my breath. "Why did I do that? Damn it...the look on her face....but no, she deserved it....then why do I feel bad?...don't. She was just playing with you and never liked you....but she seemed so genuine....and she didn't care....but..... This is what is going on in my head all day and all night ((haha, see the pun ;) )) I decide to sleep on it but when I wake up I feel more conflicted because I kept seeing her with him and I couldn't handle thinking that maybe we had something and I just ruined it, and yet, I still couldn't get the image of them together. I shook my head. Get out of my head, I thought. Why do you never leave? I try so hard to forget but I can't. I walk to my car, get in and drive to school. I park my car when I arrive and see my friends. I walk over to them, say hi, but my heart isn't in it. It's just

something I do. I guess the boys noticed because Liam asked, "What's wrong mate? Have a bad night?" "Something like that," I reply vaguely. "You sure?" Niall prods. "Yes! I'm sure!" I snap at him, instantly regretting it. "Sorry," I mumble. "I guess I did have a bad night," I admit just as another car pulls up

in the spot next to mine. Out step April, Danielle, Gerlyn, Kirra, and Amber. I wonder where Carolina is for a moment until she steps out as well, a smile on her face, but I could tell it wasn't reaching her eyes. I quickly disposed of the thought; what did I care about that for? I turn away as the five other girls

walk towards us, Carolina a but behind, her head in a book. "Hey, Lou!" Kirra says kissing him. "Hi, Kirra," he smiles holding her by the waist. "Hi Niall!"

April smiles hugging him and pecking his cheek. "Hi there," he smiles hugging her back. "Hi Liam," Danielle says. "Hey, Danielle," he replies. "What's up Harry?" Gerlyn winks. "Nothing much, babe," he replies cheekily. "Hey Josh," Amber smiles. "Hey, Amber," he says. Everyone then seems to be watching Carolina

and me. "What?" I ask a bit irritated. "You guys didn't say hi," Danielle points out. "Huh? Oh hi everyone," Carolina says after Amber nudged her and took her

book. She smiles to everyone in turn until she sees me. "Hey, Zayn," she says quickly. I only nod in reply and then say, "I'm gonna go to my locker. See you

later." I walk away as quickly as I can, trying to get the look of Carolina's disappointed face just now.

Carolina POV

I watch him walk away, sad and still unsure of what I'd done to hurt him. "Guys? Has Zayn told you what's wrong with him?" I ask curious. "No, he hasn't. What did you do?" Harry asks. "Nothing. Or at least nothing I'm aware of," I say shrugging my shoulders. "Well it obviously made him very pissed off and more

closed off," Louis tells me. "I just don't know. Could you find out for me?" I plead. "Sure thing. I'll try at least," Louis promises. "Thanks. You're a life

saver," I sigh in relief. "I kinda want a life saver now..." April says. We all laugh an then head to class. "Carolina, did anything happen yesterday? Something

I should know? When did he start getting mad?" Amber asks as we walk to class. "Well, it started after English. He took my bag and ran out of the classroom. I

darted to follow him, but Steven turned up and was trying to get me to get back together with him. I obviously said no but he didn't get it. I walked out of the

classroom, but then he grabbed me and kissed me. I tried to push him off but it took a while to finally get him to release me. I don't know why I saw in him, but I'm glad it's over. Anyway, at lunch they didn't sit with us and then he was being a jerk to me at his house which is when I called you. That's all that

happened," I tell her. "You don't think he-" Amber begins, cut off by the bell for class. "I gotta go!" I tell her heading in the opposite direction. "Okay!

But I need-!" "Later!" I cut her off running down the hall. I hear her tell my name, but I ignore it and walk into my class. 

3rd Person POV

All day, both Carolina and Zayn went through their classes. Carolina trying to figure out what she had done to make him so angry and Zayn trying to be angry

with her, but his heart telling him the opposite. Both of them were feeling conflicted and unsure. But one thing was for sure, they still had feelings for

one another and were still trying to wrap their brains around something that their hearts had already accepted. Over the course of the next 4 months, they

grew apart slowly with the help of icy glares, crude words about one another and ignorance, neither wanting to speak to the other until the other spoke to them. Their friends had to choose sides. The boys going with Zayn and the girls with Carolina. It's true that the friends kept in touch and eventually they all got together as boyfriends and girlfriends: Gerlyn and Harry at a party where there was spin the bottle, Amber and Josh while Josh practiced the drums, Danielle and Liam while Liam helped her play piano, and April and Niall, Louis and Kirra were as close as ever. All of them kept there relationships secret in front of Carolina and Zayn, but whenever they hung out as a group, the 10 of them would try to figure out how to get them back together because Louis had not succeeded in persuading Zayn to tell him what had happened. At a gathering they finally came up with a plan. It consisted of Carolina, Zayn, and a room that locked from the outside. "Tomorrow night," they agreed as they left the park.

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