Chapter 6

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Carolina POV

I woke up the in the middle of the night in the tent, a blanket around me. I turn around and see Zayn next to me....shirtless. Then I realized that it was freezing outside and Zayn must be cold. "Zayn," I whisper. "Zayn!" I say more forcefully, shaking him awake. "What?!" he snaps. Taken aback I release his arm. "I just thought you might be cold," I tell him sheepishly. "Oh, sorry Carolina. I'm not much of a morning person or the type of person you want to wake up from his sleep," he replies. "Okay. Good to know. Sorry about waking you,"

I say pushing my hair behind my ear. "Don't worry about it. And yeah, I am a bit cold." "Well, here. Take the blanket," I say pulling it off me and handing it to him. "I have a better idea," he smiles coming over to lay next to me. He wraps his arms around me in a hug. "Better?" he asks sleepily. "Uh, one sec," I reply turning to face him so my face was in his chest. "Better," I sigh. "Yeah. I like this too," he yawns falling asleep. Amber POV "Why aren't they up yet?" Louis asked. "I'm not sure. Here, I'll go check on them," I say walking towards their tent. Pushing back the flap, I see them asleep and smile. "Guys, I think we should let them sleep." "Why?" April asks going to check. She comes back and has a huge smile on her face.

"Yeah. The lovebirds fell asleep in a cuddle together. They look so cute!" she squeals. Everyone races to see and sure enough they see them like that. Gerlyn pulls out her phone and snaps a picture. "It'll come in handy," she smirks. "Agreed," the other girls and I say. "Well, we might as well just wait until they wake up and tell us what happened last night," Harry winks. Carolina POV I wake up later in the morning, an unintelligible smell wafting in my nose and my head against something solid...and breathing! I really do wake up then and blot straight up to remember that Zayn and I had fallen asleep under a blanket together last night. I feel him stir next to me. "Morning," he yawns huskily. Oh gosh, even his husky morning voice is hot, I think to myself. "Good morning. How'd you sleep last night? " I ask him. "Great actually! Real warm and comfortable. Better than I normally sleep. What about you?" he smiles. "Fine. Better than that actually.

I, uh, fell asleep quite comfortably. " I say. He smiles and says, "Come on. Let's go outside. I bet everyone is already awake." I stand up and exit the tent with Zayn behind me. "Good morning everyone," I say. "Morning lovebirds. Sleep well?" Niall asks. "Well, Zayn seems to have," Louis winks. I then remember that he was shirtless. "I slept better than okay actually," Zayn answers. "And how about you Carolina?" Louis asks me. "Great! Really nice sleep. Better than I thought I would. I mean, Zayn's really comfortable to sleep on, despite his hard chest," I say before paling at my words. Everyone laughs and Zayn says, "If it makes you feel any better, you were just as great to sleep with," he winks. The boys being laughing at the double meaning and I blush red. "Alright. Knock it off. I'm the only one aloud to tease her for that," Zayn tells the boys sternly.

"Yeah. Sure. She's all yours Zayn," Liam smiles. "Hey now! I'm not a piece of furniture," I say in mock anger. "No you're not. But you are mine and no guy will get you," Zayn laughs picking me up. "Ahh! Zayn! Put me down!" I scream. "Not until you admit I'm the only Supermegasexy Bradford Bad Boi!" he says. "Fine! You are the Supermegasexy Bradford Bad Boi!" He puts me down and leaves an arm on my shoulder. "I feel so accomplished," he says with mock pride. "Oh shut up Zayn!" I say pushing him away. "Oh, almost forgot to tell you two that we called Carolina's mom and they'll be picking us up in about 2 hours," Danielle says.

"So we have an hour left?" Harry asks mischievously. "Yeah. Why do you ask?" Gerlyn asks him. "Well, I saw that there was a nice lake on our drive up here nearby. Interested?" he asks. "Well, we have 2 hours and I guess our close will try quickly enough....why not!" she smiles. "Great! Let's hit the lake!" he shouts. We all follow him down a path and are greater by sand and pebbles. "Wait...I just remembered...I'd rather stay out of the water," Zayn says. "Oh, right. Yeah, you can stay," Liam says. "Maybe draw or something?" he suggests. "Yeah, that's what I'll do," he smiles. "I'll stay with you," I pipe up. "But wouldn't you rather go swimming?" "No, not really," I shrug. "Okay then. You guys go on ahead. We'll be right here," Zayn tells them as they leave us and jump into the water. "Are you sure-?" Zayn asks. "I'm sure. I can't swim anyway," I admit shyly.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of. Neither can I," he tells me. "Oh great! That means if I'm drowning you wouldn't be able to save me," I pout giggling. "No I would still jump in to rescue you," he smiles. "Aww, aren't you sweet," I say pinching his cheeks. "Hey! How would you like it if I did that to you," he says rubbing his cheeks. "I probably wouldn't like it. Sorry. Here, I'll kiss it, make it better," I tell him leaving small butterfly kisses on his cheeks. "So worth it..." I hear him mumble. "Let me return the favor. I'll draw you," he says picking up a pencil and sketch pad. "Oh, um, okay. How do I...?" I fidget. "Don't. Just sit there and think. Lean against the tree or something. Let me do the work," he says leaning over the paper and occasionally looking up at me. His gaze was intense, like he was reading every part of me and drawing it down. I sat there, mind wandering until the gang came up to me. "So much fun!" Amber says. "Seriously! You two should have come! It wasn't even that deep!" Kirra adds. "It's fine. Zayn was drawing me," I tell them. "Ooo, can I see?"

Danielle asks going to see. "Nope," Zayn replies closing it and popping the p. "Well then can I see it?" I ask curiously. "Not yet. But soon," he smiles. We all head back up to the car and sit in the sun so that they could dry their clothes. "Zaaayyyn!" I whine while everyone else is taking a nap in the sun. "Carrrooolllinnna!" he mimicks. "Can I please see it?" I plead. "No," he replies. "Oh come on! It's me and I wanna see it!" I say reaching for the pad. "Ah ah ah," he chides pulling it away. "No touchy." "Ugh! You're infuriating," I huff. "Thank you. And you know you love it," he winks. "Whatever. I'm just gonna sleep now," I sigh rolling my eyes. "Carolina. Wake up!" a voice says. "What?!" I snap at them. "Sheesh! I thought Zayn was a terrible person to wake up," Niall grumbles. "You're mum and dad are here to take us all home," Zayn says. "Unfortunaly, they brought two cars so you won't be able to sit on our laps," Harry winks. "Mom! Dad! Sorry about yesterday. We didn't know," I say sheepishly. "I'm just glad that you're all right. All of you," my mom says. "Gave us quiet a scare this morning when we didn't see you. Glad your friends gave us a call too," Dad says. "But anyway, how did you all spend the night?" my mom asks.

The nights previous events flashed in my mind. "Great. Better than great," Zayn says looking at me through the corner of his eye and smirking. "Yeah. It was an incredible, unplanned camping experience," I say glaring at Zayn. "Did something happen that we should know about?" my mom asked glancing at our faces. "No. We had a great time ma'am," Zayn says giving her a charming smile. "Well that's great to hear. Oh, and we notified all your parents so they knew what happened," my mom tells them. A sigh of relief filled the air. My mom laughed. "Alright. So, you," she says pointing at the girls, "will be driving with me. And, boys, you will go with my husband. A tow truck will come and get your car," she stated. With that said, we went to go pick up our stuff. About half an hour later we're all packed. "Thanks guys," we tell them. "What for?" "For this amazing experience. And for being so sweet and fun and totally respectful to us," Amber smiles. "Hey, no problem. You girls were just as fun to hang out with," Josh says. "Yeah, and we should do this again next time. But actually plan it first," Harry suggests. "Definetly. It's a date," Gerlyn winks.

"Yea! I've always wanted to be on a sixtuple date," Louis says wrapping an arm around Kirra. "Alright, well we should get going now," Danielle says. "Aww, I'm gonna miss you," Liam says dejectedly. "Guys, we're going to see you at school!" I laugh. "Oh yeah." "Alright everyone into the cars!" my mom shouts. "Carolina, can I talk to you for a minute?" Zayn asks grabbing my hand. "Sure. What's up?" "Um, see....I was wondering if...?" but I never found out what it was because at that moment the car horn beeped. "Carolina! Zayn! Let's go!" "Sorry, but we should go now," I say sheepishly. "Yeah. We should. I'll see you at school Monday," he says releasing my hand and walking away. I watch him walk away and then I head to the car.

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