Everyones a Crook

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(A/N: I took a little break for my mental health. Sorry for all the people that were freaking out. All stories will be updated except for L.I.F.E because I have Regents exams I need to study for)

Clarke stepped out of the flower shop confident in her plan. She walked towards her car, where Raven sat.

"How do Lincoln and Octavia feel about this" she asked raven while closing the door. The girl just gave Clarke a pointed look, as if she was out of her mind, "I didn't tell them Clarke, what was I supposed to say, 'Hey Octavia I need your childhood best friend's address and new personal cell phone number because we're running a scam on her and the woman who's been tormenting her and the reason she changed it in the first place.. Needs it again. , oh and Lincoln how do you feel about your sister, whom you don't know has been chasing your friend Clarke for half a year, be in a strictly online relationship with her under the impression she's a completely different person'" Raven said sarcastically, she was quite annoyed everyone was letting Clarke do this. Not only was it a family member of someone she cared about that was being played with but Clarke was in danger of being discovered every second.

"No need to be rude.. Wait so then how did you do it" the blonde asked. Raven rolled her eyes in disappointment. Why couldn't her friends realize she could do anything and back anything that had a battery.

"I hacked Octavia's phone, Clarke. I got her number." Raven said and handed her a small piece of paper with lexas personal cell phone number.

Clarke smiled to herself, thinking of all the fun she would have.

"So when is she getting the flowers" Raven asked as she drove off from her spot near the flower shop.

Clarke reached into her bag and pulled out her favorite red lipstick, applying it carefully before answering. "She should be receiving it right about now... Drop me off at the Interpol HQ"

"No, absolutely not. You agreed to wait a while". Raven switched lanes and merged onto the highway. Clarke glanced down just In time to catch Raven adjust her brace, she grimaced uncomfortable.

"You okay" Clarke reached over to place a gentle hand on her knee but Raven just shifted it away from her.

"I'm fine.. And not taking you to Agent woods' office" Raven answered.

Clarke rolled her eyes "it was part of the plan anyways.. "

"Yeah.. In two weeks. It's part of the plan in two weeks when you've been familiarized with each other"

Clarke groaned at mom Raven that only showed up when things got serious. Raven and Clarke on Clarke's first job. Finn assigned Raven to Clarke to make her life easier. Clarke didn't expect to grow so close to the girl. Raven was always a happy and funny girl. But now she's got this painful fear  of losing Clarke, the only constant in her life. They became close after a job went wrong and Ravens tech van was trampled by some people Clarke was stealing from. They found Clarke after the fact and wanted to take Raven as collateral. The nerves in her leg were destroyed after a great part of the car crushed it. That day Clarke risked everything, the plan, the painting, getting caught, getting killed.. Absolutely everything to get Raven back. And ever since then Raven had feared, one day Clarke will do
it again. For the wrong reasons.

"You can put mom Raven away.. I'm just- drop me off right here, I'll walk to Harper's house. It's close I promise" Clarke said, pretending to be defeated.

Raven merged out of the highway and drove a couple blocks into town, dropping Clarke off in front of a bus stop.

"I'll see you later, I'm just gonna get some cash from harp and I'll be home before dinner" Clarke told her. Raven nodded, driving off.

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