Who the fuck are you

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Lexa Woods.

"This is a trap gentlemen. We get GG and we get out, remember this is a real charity event not a hunting ground. I don't care if you see the drug kingpin of Mexico, he can wait. We want GG and we want her today" I told my team. We were outside the private compound where the event would take place and me being nervous was the understatement of the year.

I'd only been an Interpol agent for a couple months. It's not usual for an FBI agent to make such a jump but one day I walked into the office after a serial killer crossed state lines, ready to do my job.. And was told my job was no longer with the FBI but with Interpol. I didn't apply, I didn't even show interest in that being possibility. But somehow someone knew that's what I wanted to be eventually and I was 'recommended'.

The reason for my nervousness was in the 3 months I'd been on the team I somehow got the privilege to pick my first case. Something that was frowned upon by the rest of the team.. And I was ostracized. So I picked the hardest one of them all. The GG case.

G G (Great Griffin)
Only know alias was Grace Griffin
She'd done 36 jobs before I got on the task force and somehow moved up to 45 in the mere 3 months I was there. We know her real name isn't grace... She only says its that because close to 'great'.

She's definitely one of the most annoying criminals Interpol has had. She's constantly on the move , from country to country. We've never gotten a clear description of what she looks like and the one time we had a picture of her it disappeared before we could alert the rest of the agents what she looked like.
She had blonde hair, capturing blue eyes. And a mole. Near her lip. But that's all we knew and it was useless because she shed those features most of the time with wigs and contact lens.

My special ops background didn't serve me well in this job. So I had to do most things the legal way, the smart way. And I somehow managed to stumble across a message board that had to have been used as a communication means in the last GG theft.

We followed that trail till we hit a dead end. Had no choice but to go back to the website where we found an encrypted list of works of art. We saw the Buchilini and I had the idea for the trap. So far everything was going smooth. It was confirmed Griffin was in the building using the alias of Larissa Moduae we thought she would use.

We were just waiting for her to get to the basement where we could corner her.

I opened the doors of the event and motion for half the men to go around the back and for the other half to follow me.

We walked in, people were alarmed and tried to go for the exits but they were covered by my men. My eyes were focused, looking for the girl whom I barely remembered how she looked.

"Romero and Johns cover the front exit, no one leaves without proper identification" I told them. They nodded and went to do what I asked. My eyes scanned the room once more. All types of people caught my eye.. A brunette with a lazy eye and a purple dress, a black guy in a suit that was too tight, a little girl wearing too much makeup. And a beautiful blonde in a red fitted dress. She seemed ridiculously familiar and if my partner wasn't trying so hard to get my attention I would have figured it out.. But I didn't till it was too late.

Outside POV
That night..

Clarke hastily pulled off her dress and unzipped the slim fit suit, stepping out of it angrily. She was so pissed. Not only was she stupid enough to think this was a great way get out of the fucked up life she was currently living but it was a trap.

She unpinned her fair from its uncomfortable position on top of her head, and pulled it up in a loose bun.

"Clarke they almost caught you today" Raven walked into the room. Toweling dry her long brown hair. Not bothering to cover up her goods.

"Yeah, I know" Clarke huffed annoyed. "How the fuck did they know, and who was that new agent.. Is she gonna be a Problem?" Clarke asked Raven. She sure hoped the beautiful girl wouldn't be. She wanted to se more of her.

"I ran a facial recognition.. There were barely any records of her but her names Lexa Woods. She's only been on the Force for 3 months. She's has military background but I wasn't allowed to access those records for some reason. Don't think I didn't see the way you both looked at each other by the way.." She said while she searched my drawers for something to wear.
"I thought you shut off the cameras Raven " I mocked and she chuckled softly pulling on a tank. "I wasn't going to miss an Interpol agent and a criminal eye-fucking" she rose a brow. Sitting down on Clarke's bed.

"But really, you need to lay low for now, that was the closest they've ever been" Raven continued seriously.

"I was actually thinking maybe we can schedule another.. Hit" Clarke told her, unsure.

Raven looked at her confused... "That's literally the opposite of what we should be doing Clarke"

"We schedule another hit, make it look like that's the place were going for sure... Except we use the chaos to our advantage.." The blonde explained.. Really she just wanted to leave the pretty brunette Interpol agent a message.

"You mean like.. Say we're going to steal a piece from one side of the museum but be on the other side.. That kinda stuff?"Raven asked. She was used to Clarke being the planner of the group. It was just her and Clarke. They worked for a company of the sorts that handles the business area of it all. It wasn't really voluntary to say the least. Clarke was all in a first but then when she wanted to leave a few years back they said that if she wanted Raven to remain breathing she should keep up the good work. Since then she's been pulling off a hit 3 times a year.

"It should work... Hey do we have any more of those untraceable phones.."

The next day
Lexa paced back and forth in her conference room that was linked to her office. "Boss she slipped away, but that's the closest we've ever been to her. You got your respect. Now you can move on" a member of the Recon team, John Alvarez, tried to persuade her.

4 of the men who came closest in contact with GG were sat in the room along with Lexa.

"That's exactly why I'm not giving up, the rest of the team has gotten close but so far I've been the closest one so I'm not letting that slide" Lexa stopped pacing to get her point across.
"It's a slippery slope boss, the last person to chase her.. Couldn't keep his job" Alvarez said getting up. "May I go check the feeds one last time, boss?" He asked Lexa.. But she was too busy trying to think of how she slipped away.

"Uh, yeah all of you.. Go ahead. Meeting dismissed" she waved them all off walked the short way to her office.

"Your mail woods" said her assistant angie. She handed her the mail and she softly scanned them all. "Bill, bill, report, rscc file, what the hell?" Lexa's eyes were wide as she saw a blank envelope. Those weren't allowed and usually were always thrown out. So how did this one end up in her mail.

Placed the others on table and examined the envelope a little bit further. No return address. No name on the cover. Lexa opened the envelope to find a post it with a number.

See ya soon cutie

Lexa didn't have time to question of even give an educated guess as to who it was because as soon as her eyes finished scanning the post it note her parter came barging into the room.

"GG just hit again.. Let's go" she threw Lexa her bullet proof vest.

"Wait what.. What to you mean she hit again.. She only hits 3 times a year... It's already been 3" she undid the Velcro of the bulletproof vest and slid it on. Ontari's eyes watched her every move making sure she did it right. She already lost one partner to a faulty vest she didn't need to loose one she actually liked. "Maybe she likes you" the quirky girl joked.

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