Chapter 5 - Exhaustion

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Vikk sat on a stool in the kitchen as he aimlessly stirred his cereal. Dark circles and wrinkles of stress and exhaustion marked out his features vividly. He spooned some cereal into his mouth, slowly chewing, weak and tired.

He heard footsteps thud down the stairs. Moments later, Simon walked in. "Hey Vikk." He smiled cheerfully.
Vikk twitched his lips into a small smile, too tired to properly reply Simon's smile fell as he inspected Vikk.

"Vikk, you okay?" He asked, concern etched on his face. Vikk nodded back, his eyes on his cereal.

"Vikk..." Simon sat down in a stool opposite Vikk. He folded his hands into each other in front of him, taking a therapist stance. Vikk stared down at Simon's hands, inspecting the silver ring on his pinkie finger.

"What's wrong? You look horrible." Simon asked. Vikk chuckled and nodded, accepting Simon's statement. "Just recording. That's all." He replied.

"You recorded after coming home last night?"

Vikk nodded.

"Why? It was so late."

"Because I haven't uploaded in three days. Because I'm letting the fans and my channel down. Because I'm breaking my record of never missing a day of videos... Because I'm letting you guys down." Vikk replied, looking down in shame.

Simon studied him before sighing and getting up.

"Go to bed Vikk." He said as he took the bowl of cereal away and cleaned it up.


"No. You can't just make yourself record a bunch of videos because you haven't done it in a while. Especially when you're tired. Loads of YouTubers miss a few days. So what?" Simon cut in.

"But I've missed more than a few days. It's been consistent. Almost a week every month."

"But it's different now. You have a girlfriend." Simon shrugged.

"Yeah..." Vikk sighed before looking down at his lap. "I've messed up with her too. I just can't juggle all of this at once."

"You'll figure it out." Simon replied, before walking around the island and pulling Vikk off of his seat. "Go to sleep." He demanded, pushing Vikk out of the kitchen.

Vikk chuckled and shook his head. "Thanks Simon. And I'm sorry I've missed so many sessions."

Simon smiled and shrugged his shoulders, dismissing the issue. "Everyone does it."

Vikk returned the smile before making his way upstairs, his legs heavy and weak. He rubbed his face and sighed as he reached the first landing. Exhaustion had drowned all of his energy but he was happy he had finally made videos - they were his escape.

As Vikk made his way to his room, he encountered Josh, leaving their bathroom. The two froze, a cold, eery silence filling the air. Josh looked away from Vikk and down to the floor, before beginning to walk away.


Josh froze at his doorway as Vikk called his name. Vikk turned to face him, regret and shame colouring his face. "I'm sorry. I was a dick yesterday. I didn't mean anything I said." Vikk blurted out, his throat bunching up.

"It's fine. I understand. We're cool." Josh nodded, giving way to a small smile.

"Really?" Vikk asked.

"Yeah. We're just friends, arguments happen." Josh shrugged, looking away from Vikk.

Vikk nodded. "Thanks Josh."

Josh nodded back, before making his way downstairs.

Vikk strolled back into his room and looked back at his PC. He yawned before turning it off and getting into bed, falling into a deep slumber immediately.

Coming Home - A Zerkstar Fanfic (Sequel to Coming Out)Where stories live. Discover now