Chapter 2 - Unbalanced

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Vikk stood in front of the mirror as he pulled down on his t-shirt, reducing the creases. He ran his hands through his thick hair before stroking his fringe continuously, pursing his lips as he concentrated on getting his fringe right.

"Vikky? Come on, we gotta go." Ash moaned as she entered the room and leaned on the door.

"I'm coming babes." Vikk smiled as he grabbed his keys and walked over to his girlfriend. They both smiled before melting into a short kiss.

"Let's get going." Vikk smiled as they pulled away from the kiss. Ash giggled as she grabbed Vikk's hand and they both left her house.


Simon sighed as he sent Vikk yet another message. He spun in his chair, his head leaning on his hand as he stared at his bed.

"Any replies?" Josh asked as he walked into the room. Simon shook his head, keeping his eyes on his bed. Josh sighed before walking over and sitting on Simon's bed. Simon finally looked at him.

"What's wrong?" Josh asked as Simon watched him.

Simon took his head off of his hand and shook his head. "I just don't know what we should do. Vikk's missed so many recording sessions and it's affecting our videos." He said, a sad tone in his voice.

"It's Ash. But I guess priorities. He'll come back in a bit." Josh replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"No, it's been going on for a while now. I think Ash is a long term thing." Simon said as he spun side to side on his chair.

"You never know." Josh quietly said as he swallowed the lump in his throat and ignored his sinking heart.


Vikk looked down at his phone and sighed as he saw Simon's message. He shook his head, imaginatively apologising to Josh and Simon. It was just one more recording session. After the dinner with Ash, he would get back on the grind. He wouldn't miss anymore and he would go back to how it was, videos every day, recording sessions every night.

"Can you put your phone away?" Ash asked, sounding irritated.

"Sorry babes." Vikk said as he put his phone on silent and tucked it away in his pocket. He picked at his food with his fork, guilt filling him up and overflowing.

He hadn't been able to tell the guys that he was going to miss this recording session and he could feel their irritation radiating from his phone. He was letting the guys down but he had to spend time with his girlfriend. Surely it was worth it?

"Are you not hungry?" Ash asked, pulling Vikk out of his thoughts.

Vikk opened his mouth to reply before closing it again. He sighed and stared down at his food, unable to reply.

"Vikk, all I asked is to spend a night out with you. Is that too hard?" Ash glared at him, pain and anger in her eyes.

Vikk looked ahead at her, wordless. Ash shook her head before grabbing her purse and walking away from the table, leaving her boyfriend alone. Vikk sat still, staring down in shame. He had failed both his friends and his girlfriend, he had to keep a balance, but his girlfriend wanted more than half of his attention.

Coming Home - A Zerkstar Fanfic (Sequel to Coming Out)Where stories live. Discover now