Chapter 3 - Pain

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Vikk entered the house silently, looking down at his phone as he closed the door.

"Don't think of coming to mine or talking to me tonight. - Ash"

He sighed as he leaned on the front door, making it click shut. He stood, closing his eyes and trying to forget everything for a while.

"Vikk, where were you?"

Vikk opened his eyes to find Josh in front of him, standing on the stairs, his eyebrows knit together and a frown on his face. Vikk sighed deeply before looking away from Josh and locking the door.

"I don't want to talk about it." He said as he turned away from the door and started walking up the stairs, past Josh.

"Yes, you do Vikk. Whatever you were doing obviously meant more to you than us." Josh said, a stern and annoyed tone in his voice.

Vikk turned to face Josh, an equally annoyed look on his face. "I was with my girlfriend. Who I love." He shot back, "I was with Ashley. I'm sorry for prioritising the girl I love over you guys, I was clearly in the wrong - taking a few days off of something I've been doing pretty much my whole life to spend a few days with the girl I love."

Josh retreated, hiding his hurt from Vikk. He blinked and looked away from him, calming himself down. "We just wanted to know if you were ok. We're sorry for caring."

"Oh really? Must be why you guys are so pissed, definitely not the fact that I haven't been there for a few recording sessions, after all; I'm the only other one who doesn't have a life and spends the whole day in this house doing nothing but YouTube." Vikk ranted, red from frustration and built up anger.

"Vikk, believe it or not, you're not the only other Sideman. There are four others. If you have a problem with entertaining the people who have made you who you are and given you beautiful things, then don't bother working with us. The fact that you see us as mere colleagues that are in your videos and not as friends that actually care about you shows a lot. And one more thing, you don't need to tell us if you're gonna record with us or not; we'll just record without you." Josh spoke calmly yet dangerously, before walking away, leaving Vikk to his regret on the stairs.

Josh walked into the kitchen and sat on the stools, slowly releasing his anger and breaking down into tears. He cared for Vikk so much, but Vikk hardly gave a crap about him - he was too occupied with his possessive, needy girlfriend. Worst of all, Ashley was bad news and Vikk hadn't realised it yet.

She was already breaking him down - his relationships with his friends were weakening and his interaction with fans and activity on his channel were decreasing dramatically. If Vikk didn't lose Ashley soon, he would go down into ruins, but only Josh had realised this... Because he liked Vikk. As more than a friend. Josh was gay. And it was the most painful thing to accept for him.

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