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Pic: Saki

"I am so excited! I can't believe my little girl is going to a party and one for the upper class no less!" Saki's mom shouted. Soon she began rambling, I stood awkwardly by the door waiting for Saki to come down. I heard a door slam shut and watched Saki come down the hallway.

Saki wore a red skirt that stopped just above her knees, a blue tank top with black dots, a light pink sweater, white stockings, and black flats.

"Hey," I said. "You look cute."

Saki's face turned bright red.

"Hey, Ren...You look fine," Saki said looking away from me. Her mom began gushing over how cute she is.

"Okay, now remember Sweetie, don't talk to strangers, don't eat to much food, call me or your dad if there is trouble, don't-"

"Mom, I know. You tell me the same thing every time I go out," Saki said crossing her arms.

"I know Sweetie, but I am so nervous about this party. It's your first time going to an Upper Class party."

"I will be fine mom, it like any other party...Right?" Saki asked looking at me.

"Maybe," I said shrugging. 

"Ge, that was so helpful Ren," Saki said.

"Your Welcome."

Saki huffed in annoyance her, her mom laughed. The hall clock began to chime 5.

"Hear that, you two better get going before you are late," Saki's mom said ushering us out the door. "And if anything happens, make sure you use-"


"Alright, Alright. Just have fun, just not to much fun," she said sending a wink our way.

"MOM!" Her mom laughed.

"By Sweetie love you."

"Bye Mom, Love you too." 

With that Saki and I walked out of her house. Saki's jaw nearly dropped when she saw the limo. She looked between the limo and I.

"Glasses is letting me use it, says I have to make an impression," I said climbing in the limo.

"Yeah, first one they are gonna get, is that you are not a gentleman," Saki said climbing into the limo behind me.

"That's the first one I want to make," I said. Saki rolled her eyes and shut the door.

"Yeah, and the next one you're going to make is how unromantic you are," Saki mumbled.

"How am I going to do that?" I asked leaning back in the seat.

"When I tell them how you asked me to this party," Saki asked. I laughed. 

"What is wasn't romantic?" 

"Far from it," Saki said. "Lets recap..."

*-*-*-*Flashback-Ren's POV*-*-*-*

I stood right inside the gates of Sakiki High school, my old school, waiting for the girls to appear. I sighed leaning against the gate. I have been standing here for the last 5 minutes, people kept looking at me because not only are they surprised to see me, I happen to be in my school uniform.

"Well, I am telling you she should have ran for the front door! Not the stairs! Then maybe she would've lived!" an all to familiar voice shouted. 

The girls came out of the school and down the steps. 

"This is why I keep saying not to let Saki watch scary movies," Hanna said. Saki quit walking and pointed her finger at Hanna.

"What's wrong about me watching scary movies?"

"During the movies you laugh at the gore, jump at the scares, try to scare us. And afterwords all you do is complain about the movie even though you really like it," Hanna explained. Saki huffed.

"Well-" Saki began when Kazue tapped on her shoulder. "What is it Kazue?"

Kazue pointed her finger in my direction, one by one all the girls looked over at me. I took that my cue to start walking in their direction. Hanna and Saki's jaws dropped while Aiko turned bright red.

"Hey," I said walking up to them.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Saki asked crossing her arms.

"I came to talk to you actually," I said scratching the back of my head. Saki's eyes widened and her face began to turn red. The others looked at her.

"W-what about?" Saki stuttered a little.

"My boss is throwing a party, due to my job, I need to attend. He told me I needed to bring a date," I explained crossing my arms.

"So, you are asking me to go to a party with you?" Saki asked. I nodded. "Like as in a date?"

"If you want to call it that."

"Are you sure? You don't seem very enthusiastic about this party," Saki said.

" I am," I said.

"Why me though?" I looked at everyone around us.

"Details are to be mentioned at a later date."

"Fine," Saki huffed.

*-*-*-*Flashback end*-*-*-*

"By the way what were those details?" Saki asked.

"About why I asked you?" Saki nodded. "Simple really. One, you are the only girl who doesn't annoy me. Two, I figured  you would want to meet who I work for. And three, since I am going to be working at this party, I may have to leave you alone and I know you can take care of your self."

"You are working at the party?" Saki shouted.

"Yes, I guessed that you figured that out when I told you it was my bosses party," I said shrugging. "And I can't believe you only heard that part."

"What do you mean?"

"I basically called you tolerable, didn't want to to worry or be mad, and called you strong," I said. Saki face grew red again.

"Oh, thanks for the compliments I think," Saki said looking out the window.

The limo pulled into Glasses driveway and to the front of the house. Her eyes grew wide at the sight of it. The car stopped and the door was opened by one of the many servants. 


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2016 ⏰

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