Physical Exams

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I sat on my usual couch half listening to the girls around me talking about their day. I have had several usual customers, which are the ones currently in front  me chatting away. My eyes wandered around the room. I spotted Tamaki ask a girl which tea cup she would like. The he grabbed her chin, gazing into her eyes.

"None of these compare to my Princess," Tamaki said. The girl melted, and hearts began to float around her head. The others girls at his table squealed.

"Ow!" Kaoru yelled. I turned around to see Hikaru kiss Kaoru's finger.

"Honestly Kaoru, you have to be more careful," Hikaru said. "For now keep your eyes on me. Okay?"

"Yes Hikaru," Kaoru said. They grew closer the girls squealed around them.  I looked at Kyoya who was selling photo books of the hosts to some girls from the twins group. Nanami was beside him holding an armful of them.

So that's how the host club gets the extra money. But when did he have the time to take them? I don't know, I better keep an eye for cameras. It's Kyoya no one ever knows what he is planning. I should know I made a deal with him.

I gazed at Honey, who  was stirring some tea really fast. The girls and Haruhi just watched him. Mori put his hand on Honey's shoulder.

"Mitsukuni you over did it," Mori said. Honey stopped and looked down at the bowl. He started to tear up. A girl grabbed the bowl.

"Honey you made enough for the both of us!" said girl A.

"Yeah, I am on a diet anyway!" said girl B. Honey beamed.

"Ren-kun?" one of the girls asked. I looked back on them.

"Oh, sorry," I said brushing my hair out of my eyes. The girls squealed and I flinched at their high pitch tones.

This is going to be a long day


I looked at Tamaki glaring at the twins, who were standing by Haruhi.

"Kyo-chan, don't the twins spend more time with Haruhi?" Honey asked Kyoya.

"Yes, you are correct," Kyoya said. Lightning came out of nowhere and struck Tamaki. I turned back to Kyoya, who now had a chart behind him.

"The twins spend 9 hours of class time and the couple hours of club activities with her. Tamaki you only spend 3% of the day with her, which is only during club activities."

Tamaki begin to cry dramatically.

"My little girl shouldn't be hanging around these Shady twins! She should spend more time with Daddy!" Tamaki cried.

"Hey Boss!" the twins started to yell at Tamaki for calling them shady. He ignored them and kept calling himself "Daddy."

"Haruhi should just go back to being a girl!" Tamaki said.

"You dont have to worry about that for long," say HIkaru.

"Yeah, with the physical exams and all," Kaoru continued.

Tamaki the started to do his weird wiggling motion again and began fantasizing. Then he turned around. I can only imagine what is going in his mind right now.

"This Anime is a love Comedy between Haruhi and I. The rest of you are the homo-sexual supporting cast," Tamaki said. He drew a line crossed the club room floor. Steam came out of the Twins ears. The gears in Kyoya head are grinding. My eye twitched.

Tamaki you shouldn't have said that, cause now your going to get it.

"If that happens then Haruhi won't be able to be part of the club any more," Honey said.

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