Ordinary Day

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"I am off mom. Love you," I said called in to my moms room. She rolled over and flashed me the "I love you," sign. I sighed walking out the door.

Ever since my mom switched shifts at work she has been sleeping in later everyday.



I looked at my feet and smiled.

The two strays I fed at the park, found their way to my home. Mom and I couldn't turn them away. Mom named the cat Spot and the dog Fluffy. She was drunk when she did, now they won't come to any other name.

"By you two, behave. I will be back later," I said petting them both on the head and walking out the door.

"Hey," a voice said. I looked up to see Haruhi.

"Hey," I said smiling at her. She held a cup out to me. "Thanks."

I took a sip. Heaven entered my mouth. Soon I just gulped the entire beverage.

"Rough night?" she asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, my mom came back drunk last night," I said.

"My dad was too."

"Yea, who knew our parents worked at the same place, or that you lived right above me."

We laughed as we walked towards the parking lot. I disposed of our cups in a near by trashcan. Haruhi followed me to my bike. I climbed and put on a helmet holding another out to Haruhi.

"I still can't believe you bought a motorcycle," Haruhi mumbled putting on the Helmet.

"Its faster than the train and I had extra cash," I said shrugging. I started the engine and took off.

*-*-*-*Time Skip Lunch*-*-*-*

I stood outside of Haruhi's classroom waiting for their lunch break to start. Students that passed, whispered as they looked at me. Several girls, that regularly go to the Host Club, stopped and talked to me. Of course most of the female students that passed by me blushed, some teachers included. Currently my teacher is standing around the corner, with several others, watching me.

Haruhi's door slid open. Students began to pour out several stopped when they saw me. News spread around school that I was Kyoya's bodyguard, so most of the students began to get scared of me. Haruhi walked out of the room, followed by the twins. The twins looked at me.

"What are you doing here?" they asked.

"Waiting for Haruhi," I said looking at her. "Ready?"

She nodded. With that we headed off to the lunch room, the twins trailing behind us. soon we began to discuss what we were going to have for dinner tonight.

"I can make salad and rice," Haruhi said. I nodded.

"Okay, I will make the curry then. Your dad gonna be there tonight?"

"Yep, he has the night off. Your mom?"


We sat down and pulled out our lunches. We both had leftovers from last nights dinner. She had egg rolls with rice, and I had rice balls with Miso Soup. I egged her egg rolls.

"Here," she said sliding her lunch over to me. I handed her mine, digging in to the egg rolls. Haruhi rolled her eyes.

Students watched us, as did the rest of the Host club that sat around us. Tamaki and the twins watched us curiously as we ate. Haruhi and I have been hanging out more since when discovered we were neighbors, meaning we were always over at each others houses.

"Your cooking has improved. This egg roll tastes awesome," I said stuffing it into my mouth.

"You did too. Tastes different," Haruhi said.

"New recipe. Want it?" I said. Haruhi nodded. "Dinner at my place or your's?"

"Mine, we had it at your place last time." I nodded. This made Tamaki snap.

"What is going on between you two?!" Tamaki yelled. Haruhi and I blinked at him. The lunchroom fell silent at Tamaki's out burst.

"Settled down Tamaki," I said. Tamaki's face grew red.

"I will not settle down! I want to know what is going on between you two!" Tamaki began to ramble on and freak out over nothing. He went on and on how we been acting, about me waiting for Haruhi for lunch. How we are together before, after, and in school constantly.

"Boss, the way you are describing it makes it sound like they are dating," the twins said.

"WHAT?!" Tamaki screamed. Several students jumped a little. "ARE YOU TWO DATING?!"

"Don't jump to conclusions Senpai," Haruhi said giving him a death glare.

"We are neighbors," I deadpanned. Tamaki froze.

"Neighbors?" Tamaki said.

"Yes, we live on the same building and our parents work together," I explained further.

"Oh, that's fine then," Tamaki said sitting back down. Haruhi sighed while I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, I won't be at the Host club for a few days. The basketballs team needs more practices before our first game."


*-*-*-*Time skip-After practice/Host club"*-*-*-*

I walked towards the club room, so Haruhi and I could go home. I opened the cub room door.

"You are all Luke Warm!" a voice shouted. I froze when entering the room.

I stared at the girl in the middle of the room who was yelling at the hosts about having alternate personalities. Apparently, she was so scary that it made Honey cry. After a few minutes I spoke up.

"What's going on?" I asked walking further into the room. Everyone looked at me.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"Ren, the 'Heroic type'," Kyoya said pushing up his glasses. She examined me, she even walked in circles around me. "That girl is Renge."

"And Kyoya's betrothed," the twins added in. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Really? Well, this is news to me," I said. I looked down at the girl, who was now looking up at me. "Nice to meet you Renge, I am Ren, also known as Kyoya's bodyguard."

Her eyes lite up.

"Bodyguard?" she whispered.

"Yep, the only reason why I am here," I added. Her head snapped up.

"I got it. You will be the commoner bodyguard, who secretly detests the rich but owes his employer his life!" She said. I looked at her, then busted out laughing. I ended up falling to the floor. Renge looked at me confused. "What's so funny?"

"You just summed up my whole life!" I said threw my laughter. "But more like I am my employers slave!"

The Shadow Kings Bodyguard (OHSHC)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora