Just some Lovin' in the Rain

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Just some Lovin' in the Rain
(Rosemary aw ye)

"I quite enjoyed our date today Rose, perhaps we can do it again soon?" Kanaya Maryam asked her girlfriend Rose Lalonde as they walked out of the coffee place they had their date at.

Rose chuckled, brushing her short blonde hair back behind her ear. "Of course Kanaya you don't have to ask, I'd always be happy to."

Kanaya smiled and nodded, brushing her blonde locks off her forehead, reaching down to grab her hand. "Alright.. Hm, Rose what color do you think I should dye the tips of my hair? I've been thinking of it for quite a while and I want your opinion."

She laced her fingers through hers and tilted her head thoughtfully. "Hm, perhaps jade green? It is your favorite color after all."

Kanaya smiled and nodded. "That's true, alright jade green it is."

This was one of the things she loved about Rose, she payed attention to detail. She knew most everything about Kanaya, her age, her favorite color, her family life and what she did for a living.

It was actually how they met, through her work. Her brother Dave had been having a party so they needed dresses made for that and so their mutual friend Terezi had recommended her to them. Rose and Kanaya were interested in each other right away. Of course when Kanaya asked her out, Rose said yes. And so they went out, again and again all the way up until this point.

On their way back, Rose felt a drop of water on her nose. "Hm, oh its raining.."

Kanaya looked up and nodded, taking out the umbrella. "Good thing I looked at the weather.."

She smiled and squeezed her hand, leaning over and kissing her cheek. "I love you Kan.."

Kanaya blushed a soft red and looked over at her. "I love you too Rose.."

The two girls stopped in the middle of the pouring rain, leaning closer until lips were on lips. Kanaya and Rose were so focused on each other that the umbrella started slipping from her hand until it just dropped onto the ground. Their arms were around each other and they just stood there kissing in the rain, feeling more in love than ever.

~~The Next Day~~

"Standing and kissing in the rain was a bad idea." Kanaya sneezed and grabbed another tissue, sighing.

Rose snuggled up to her and giggled, coughing a bit herself. "Yes but it was also romantic."

"I suppose so, oh yes it was." She smiled and pecked her cheek, pulling her closer. "I really do love you Rose."

"I love you too Kan."

~~The End~~
-Anyway more will be coming

Bye bye~

~Hetxlian _Jxy~

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