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Not here.
Not now.
Please no.
I look around at all the bustling people around me. People are laughing and talking and throwing glares all around me. I close my eyes as their voices all blend together: the yelling, the laughter, the teasing, the shouting. All combining into one mass. Everyone moves so slowly here.
Back at my village, there was always something that needed tending to. You didn't have time to casually walk, we were always in a hurry. I look up at the sky. My anchoring point. The sky is the only constant (other than Octavia) in my life. The sky has stayed the same through everything I have been through. Even the once calming trees have taken on a more restless mood. The sky is not affected by anything. Throughout my time as a grounder, as a reaper, and now as a skyperson, the soft blue above me hasn't changed. Looking up at it now I can remember what it was like as a child, when all I had to worry about was if dad would let me come hunting with him.

I will not panic now.
Not here in this crowded place.
I will not show my weakness.

Focussing and lowering my head I made my way towards the back of camp. This is were me and Octavia "live". In all honesty we only sleep here to show our trust but we would rather be in my cave. It feels more like home than this place with the people who steal glaces when they think I'm not looking. I am still not trusted by some but I am respected by those who matter.

Our pretend home is right next to the wall. I was able to talk raven into shutting off the electricity long enough for me to dig a small hole in the wire. Large enough to slip through but small enough so no one would give it a second thought. Stealthily, I slide through the hole.
Unfortunately Octavia always seems to know when something is up and steps outside at that exact moment. We lock eyes and I mouth, "Getting some air."

She looks concerned but replies, "Okay. Be back soon. Its getting dark."

Nodding my head, I turn around. We have this connection, O and I. Its like she can sense what I'm feeling. She on the other hand is so hard for me to get a read on. I ponder over this as I enter the woods.
Glancing back I see the sun slowly sinking in the sky. As the light is leaving, beautiful colors paint the evening sky, changing it. But soon the colors will fade into darkness and leave us in the black.
The sky, my one constant companion, is changing and leaving me alone with the demons that live in the dark.

I turn back to the woods and begin my journey determined to face my demons.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2016 ⏰

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