Chapter 62 - Rematch?

Start from the beginning

His heart skipped a beat though when he looked up at one of his live feeds and saw a red eyed demon fighting with three, no four soldiers on a rooftop. The nanites that Nick was controlling all fell to the ground, knocking over the mech-suit that they were working on as he scrambled for the PET he was given. The general asked what he was doing but Nick didn't bother answering him as he quickly began to hack into Los Angeles's security mainframe. The general saw what he was doing and got the wrong idea of what he was doing and pulled his gun on Nick. He was quickly restrained though, but the nanites that he still had control of. The general began to shout for someone to come in and help, that Nick had betrayed them and was going to do something to their security system.

The door flew open, but Nick made his nanites attack the door slamming it shut before the guard could get in. He was rapidly searching for the PA system while the general was calling him every foul name under the sun. He managed to break into the PA system, but before he did anything with that Nick wheeled over to another monitor to get Skorge's current location. Wheeling back to his PET, Nick finished hacking into the PA system of Los Angeles and spoke into his PET.

"Leon, Skorge is at the New Dodger Stadium!" As soon as Nick finished saying that, did the General finally realize what it was that Nick was trying to do and he quit yelling as he went on with his instructions. "Head north-west of where you are right now and you'll be right there. Hurry, the military is having a hard time-"

Nick let out a gasp as a thunderously loud boom went off in the room that made Nick go absolutely rigid. The general was screaming 'no' but it was far, far too late for that to make any difference. Nick looked down as he began to feel a warm liquid begin to run down his chest, soaking through his t-shirt and dripping down to the floor. It felt as if the floor was giving out on him just then as the panel that he was working on began to get closer and closer to him. He put his hand out but all that did was make the whole world spin around until he was looking up at the lights in the ceiling. They were getting further away from him for a long time, when he felt something hit him in the back and just like that...there was nothing, just black.


Lauren's hand was in front of her mouth in utter shock as Roy finally came to a halt at the exact same moment that loud boom went off. They both knew exactly what that sound was, there was no denying what it was, or who it was that had been on the PA system. There was nothing but static coming over the system now as she and Roy stood in the middle of a seemingly abandoned street. She was on his back with one arm around his neck as he ran through the streets in an effort to find the others. But now the both of them sat there, frozen in place as the storm continued to rage all around them.

The rain had made their clothes and hair stick to their skin, but now it was running down Lauren's face making it impossible to tell whether or not she was crying...she was. How could she not, for all she knew she'd just heard one of her best friends' last words before hearing the unmistakable sound of a gunshot. What else could she think? There was only one thing that could've meant but she just didn't want to think about it, she couldn't. She's only known Nick for a few months but in that short amount of time they've each been through hell and back. He might have been a foul mouthed jerk at times just like Leon but... he was still her friend. And he was Leon's brother!

Oh god what was he feeling now, Lauren wanted to know. According to both of them, it was just Leon and Nick, sometimes Natalia would be there when she was able to sneak away but other than that it was just those two. They were deported together, they started their new lives here together, hell they even lived together and now...

"Hold on Lauren." Roy said firmly, snapping her out of her thoughts, his grip on her legs tightening quite a bit. 

He didn't even give her a chance to grab onto him again before he was sprinting down the road, going a hell of a lot faster than he had been going before. Not more than two heartbeats later did Lauren feel something moving against her chest before Roy's dark blue feathered wings ripped their way free of his shirt. Lauren managed to bring her hands together just as Roy took a big jump and just like that they were airborne. Roy's powerful wings were beating against the howling wind that nearly threw them against the side of a building but Roy twisted his body ever so slightly so that he hit it feet first. Lauren noticed a faint yellow glow beginning to shine from his body before his hand came over his shoulder and held Lauren's head tightly to the base of his neck.

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