Chapter Three | Our Version Of Events

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C H A P T E R T H R E E | O U R V E R S I O N O F E V E N T S

I opened my eyes and was instantly attacked by morning light streaming out of the windows, resulting in making me close them as quickly as I could. My eyes are burning like hell. I must've been drunk last night. Did I drive back drunk? Shit. I started sitting up quickly. My stomach grumbled, When was the last time I ate? I'm hungry. With my eyes still closed, I tried to concentrate to get anything from yesterday, but I could only catch blurred glimpses of what happened playing in my mind.

I opened my eyes, successfully this time. This is not my room. What the hell? Where the hell am I? And what is up with this damn headache? The only glimpses I was getting was me being at Live Wire, after that everything is just a shiny blur.

I looked around and instantly recognized the place. "Oh, shit." I whispered. I'm at Zac's? How the hell did I get here? I only remember going to the bar after visiting.. Sarah.

"Really, life?" I muttered bitterly. Once again, life succeeds in screwing me over. Just when I thought, I had nothing left to lose. Life just always comes again and prove me wrong. It's its way of giving me the middle finger. I've come used to it by the years.

The door opened revealing a very frowning Anna. Not just Zac then. Everyone knows. I didn't really mind. We all grew up together, except for Zac and Jason. When Zac and my sister started dating, he got close to all of us. And Jason being his best friend, he tagged along as well. So I've practically known all of them my entire life, and so did Sarah and all of them knew about the accident.

She seemed like she was only checking up on me and when her eyes met mine, she looked surprised that I was, what? Awake? Not freaking out yet? I think they expected some kind of complete break down mixed with a few suicide attempts. Well, sorry to disappoint. The sun was sharp, what time is it anyway?

She eventually entered the room and closed the door behind her. She made her way to my bed, and sat in front of me.

"I got you some clean clothes, they're folded on the counter." It seemed like she wanted more, but when I nodded, she stood up and headed for the door, before she got out, she turned her head checking on me one last time before she finally got out.

I made my way for the bathroom. When I looked at my reflection, I wasn't surprised. I looked like crap. I don't even know how my hair managed to get like this, I mean this defies every single damn law of gravity. Literally.

After a quick shower, I went out of the bathroom to get dressed. Anna has brought me a simple white shirt and olive cargo pants. I sighed and then started getting dressed. When I was finished, I didn't care much about my hair so I just pulled it into a messy bun. Screw brushing it.

I stood in front of the door trying to compose myself before facing everyone. They might think I've snapped if I start to sob and cry uncontrollably in front them and getting admitted to a mental ward at this age does not really top my to-do list.

I opened the door and headed for the stairs. Zac's house was huge, his parents are pretty rich, they've been living in Dubai and leaving him here alone, they owned car factories all around the world, but the main one was in Dubai, so they stayed there. They sent Zac to our school when he was thirteen.

When I heard their voices, I closed my eyes for a brief second before opening it, and walking to the main living room.

Jason was the first one to notice me entering the room, "Good Morning." He said.

"Morning." I muttered. This is gonna be a long talk, I can sense that. Everyone is silent, which is not a good sign.

It's Anna who breaks the silence first, "Did you sleep well?" She asked.

Let Me Find YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ