Cookies and Milk

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"What do you mean, you tutored him?" As soon as I got home I skyped Rosy and told her everything. Sure that's not how blackmail works, but whatever.

"Yeah, what do you mean you 'tutored him' because everyone knows that's code for fucked so hard the earth quaked." Rosy happened to not be alone during this conversation. She tended to bring her brother, Jake, and his boyfriend, Luke, in on our chats because I 'lacked the sexual mental capacity to joke'.

Rolling my eyes, I tried to think of a response that wouldn't make me seem like the prude I am. "We didn't do anything." Then as if on cue I blush thinking about that not so moment we almost had in his bedroom.

"That was the biggest lie I've ever heard in my life." Luke said with a roll of his eyes. Luke was one of those guys that automatically felt like it was their duty to protect you like a big brother would. He was burly and dainty all at once. He was burly in the fact that it was apparent he worked REALLY apparent, but he was also dainty in that his emotional capacity for any passion left home in 1 to 3 out of 5 moods: depressed, overly calm, and/or crying beyond recognition of humanitarian characteristics. The last two are saved for extremely special occasions in which you never EVER witness.

"It's true. Nothing happened. I'm not looking for someone to do anything with, especially not Partley." Finally. The first piece of common sense I've heard come out of my mouth all day.

"Anyways, I have to go, I have loads of stuff to do." I start to gather my things out of my overly sized book bag.

"When are you going to start thinking about yourself and not your future?" This is a reoccurring theme with Rosy, she just doesn't understand how much my future means to me. No one does.

"I don't see the difference between them. Me and my future are one and the same." I state, getting slightly annoyed.

"No sweetie, your future is what happens after you, so if you're always worrying about the future, then how are you going to get to it? Relax. Get a boyfriend. Have some fun. Do something wild. You need it."

"She's right." My head spins so fast my whiplash gets whiplash.

"Daddy!" I hurry to hug him, "when did you get home?"

"You didn't here me in this giant acoustics box, we call house? And don't change the subject. Rosy's right. Maybe not about the boyfriend thing, but you need to have some fun."

"I don't have time for fun," rolling my eyes I continue, "It's my senior year, this is the time for me to take even harder classes, do even more volunteer work, and most definitely not have fun."

"We'll talk about it later. Milk and cookies?"

"There's nothing to talk about, Dad. But yes, milk and cookies." Turning to my laptop I let Rosy know I have to go and head towards the kitchen with my Dad.

"So how was your day?" This is a daily routine. My answer is also part of the daily routine, but today was different. Not because of the blackmail because sometimes that's routine, but today...

"Livvy?" The sound of my worried Dad snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I look up at him questioningly.

"Is something wrong? Did something happen today?"

"No, Daddy. Today was great, I got to school and went to see my teachers about extra credit, I talked to my counselor about securing my scholarship, and I talked to Rosy." Please be gullible because I can't lie.

"Livvy." He was looking at me funny.


"You're the best little girl a father could ask for." I roll my eyes because he says this a lot.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2016 ⏰

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