Only he did. When they fucked. 

Which is a very good reason. So Harry stood up for Niall, making sure that if somehow, Niall ever see's this tweet, he will see Harry's message to the girl. And that made Harry's heart jump to his throat. It was rather sweet. 

"Louis!" Harry called, waiting for his best friend to walk in. 

"Yes, Harry sir?" Louis asked, wiping his hands on his pants. 

"I suppose today is as good as any to go and visit my father once more. Have Paul prepare a car." Harry said, dismissing Louis with a wave of his hand. 

Louis nodded and walked off, scurrying to go a fetch Paul and tell him where it is that Harry wishes to go. Not understanding that in fact Harry did not want to visit his father, but make Paul pull over at the little cafe once more, because he wanted to see Niall. He knew that Niall was working, Niall had told him, that was part of the reason that Harry let Niall go home. 

So now here was Harry, in the backseat of some fancy black car, Paul driving him to his Fathers Building deep in the city. He made comments and moans about he was hungry or thirsty, trying to get Paul to pull over. It must have worked, because eventually Paul pulled over in the little cafe, rolling his eyes as Harry bounced in the backseat with excitement. He isn't all talk and no play, you know. 

"Harry please, control yourself. You are in a public place." Paul warned, but Harry just shot him a flat look as if to say; yes-I-know-that-already

A tall-ish boy with dark skin and hair showed Harry to his favourite seat, the one in the back hidden by the shadows, and he waited for the familiar head of blonde to come scurrying over to take his order. And without a minute from Harry thinking that, Niall walked over, pen and pad in his hand, ready to take the next customers order. 

"Hi what can I— oh. Hey." Niall said, his face dropping at the sight of Harry. Sure, he was excited to see Harry once more, but every minute he spends with Harry and not working, his boss James deducts his pay check. "The usual then, Mr Styles?" 

"Yes please Niall. I am craving coffee." Harry moaned, tilting his head back a little to emphasise his desire for his order. 

"I'll be right back." Niall smiled, his tone a little bittersweet. He really didn't want Harry to make him stay with him at the table when Niall came back. 

"You're regular is back, hm?" Josh mused, teasing his cousin. 

"Yes he is. Unfortunately." Niall answered, dropping his head as he reached into the glass cabinet to pull out a cinnamon swirl roll. 

"I reckon he fancies you." Zayn said, leaning across the counter and handing Josh a piece of paper with a coffee order on it. 

"No he doesn't." Niall defended, pulling a face at Zayn to show that he means it. 

"Nah, I think so too mate." Josh added, "Why else would he keep coming back here?

"Because he.... I...  I don't know!" Niall yelled, grabbing the coffee, the scroll and stomping away from his friends, his cheeks on fire. This time, he puts Harry's food down in front of him and then willingly sat down opposite him, his arms crossed and a pout on his face.

Harry thought that it was the cutest thing in existence. 

"You okay there, Nialler?" Harry asked, the nickname slipping out of his mouth. 

"Yeah, fine, just my friends being dicks— wait. Nialler?" Niall questions, tilting his head to the side and narrowing his eyes a little at the man opposite him. 

"I'm not sure. It just slipped out." Harry said, thinking dark thoughts afterwards. 

"Okay, well, I, hm." Niall stopped speaking and just sat there, his lips smushing together from the force he was putting on them. 

"Sorry. I don't have to call you that, it was a spur of the moment thing, okay? I am s—"

"Haz." Niall suddenly said, causing Harry to stop speaking.

"What?" Harry questioned, curious as to why he would suddenly call Harry. 

"If I'm Nialler, you're now Haz to me." Niall shrugged, standing up and wiping his hands on his apron before pulling out his pad and pen. "Will that be all, Sir?" 

"Yes, thank you." Harry answered, not bothering one bit that Niall went from playful to work in a matter of seconds. 

"Goodbye, Mr Styles." Niall nodded curtly, taking his leave and walking to the back of the shop, a place he knows that Harry can't see him. 

"Goodbye, Mr Horan." Harry whispered after him, "I'll see you soon." 

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