Special Edition: A Rant on A Rant

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 Hello everyone. Trash_Tanuki here. It's about 4:22 AM. I'm sick. Fever. Chills. All the fun bells and whistles.

 I wasn't really hunting any Sues so I decided to check out what stories Wattpad recommended to me. I found Naruto Rants and Opinions by narutorants. I have no problem with people liking Sakura. Personally, I'm not a huge fan. She has her moments; good and bad. I would let this rant fly and move on. Here's what pissed me off a bit. The author, who made sure to complain about Sakura getting undue hate, turned around and bashed other people's ships and character preferences. There is nothing I hate more than hypocritical, nasty people who have no regards to what others like. Yes, I understand that I bash Mary Sues. I do. I tear them apart. But I separate the author from the Mary Sue. I can be harsh, but at the end of the day the author of these Mary Sues is a human being and while their works may irritate us, they don't intend for them to. They all have potential. Milo and I recognize that. This is a completely different matter.

I will not be completely bashing this author's work, but I will be giving my strong opinions on their choices. Most, unfortunately, are questionable. It'll be a long one. I fully intend to assess their opinions. Grammar will be skipped for the sake of shortening things up.

Let's start before the cough syrup kicks in. 

Art: Yarite (deviantart)


What is this? Simple; I rant and talk about what I like and dislike in this anime, and talk about the characters. Feel free to leave a comment if you disagree with anything I say. I won't bite, I just make it sound like I'm a rude person XD.

I do appreciate you trying to keep a welcoming air to your story. Unfortunately, you don't just sound like a rude person. You can't say nasty things and then claim you're not rude by saying "Oh, I just wanted to sound like it. I didn't really mean it.". I do realize that I am rude to people's Mary Sues. I accept what anger any author's we reviewed have to throw at me and then I work it out with them. Tough love is different from outright bashing. Keep that in mind.

Number one: Annoying much?

Sakura is my favorite character in the entire series, but come on, how can one tween be this god damn annoying? I mean she freaks out every time her eyes land on our beloved Uchiha, and never gives Naruto or Lee the time of day. Yes, she's completely gotten her act together in Shippuden and kicked major ass, but her tween days are why she's so hated today.

It's good that you recognize your favorite character's flaws. Makes your stance much more agreeable, but I'd have to say that Sakura wasn't just annoying. She was outright nasty to Naruto. She treated him like dirt. Insulted him. Acted like he shouldn't even be in Team 7. That would better explain why she is so widely disliked. 

Number two: Hold up, what? 

At one point in part one Ino called Sakura thunder thighs. This is a totally pointless topic, but I'm getting into it. Sakura? Thunder thighs? Is Ino so insecure to have called a 76 pound girl thunder thighs? My six year old brother has bigger thighs than her! This has to be one of the reasons I dislike Ino.

I would like to point out that at that point in Naruto, Sakura was no less petty than Ino. Sure, Ino may have no reason to call Sakura thunder thighs, but Sakura is no victim. She's slung her share of insults right back at Ino. Ino-pig. I'd say calling someone a pig is a bit worse than telling someone they have thunder thighs. At first I had a strong dislike for both girls because they were petty beyond comprehension. 

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