Start from the beginning

I was sitting on my bed going through a rerun of Suits, or more like swooning over the perfection, that is Harvey Specter. And Donnais equally perfect. Man did I wish for Donna and Harvey to get together. They are THE perfect couple. Donna knows him better than he could ever know himself actually she knows everyone and everything but Harvey in particular is someone she know very well about. They have known each other for such a ling time and they love and protect each other no matter what. I wish I had someone like Harvey in my life, someone who has known me forever, someone who will do anything for me, someone whi lives me more than himself.

So as I was saying, I was watching suits and drooling, I received a text.

Hello princess.

It was from William. And if there is one thung I have learned about him, it is that he is a flatterer.



So have you cooled down yet? Ms. Angry Young Woman.

Just peachy.

So you know, with the homecoming dance coming up? Would you do me the honour of accompanying me to the dance and making me the lucky guy, that everyone else gets jealous of. * hoping you'd say yes* * puppy dog eyes * 😊😶

You sure do know how to flatter a girl.

I know I'm a natural charmer. 😉

Okay don't get too cocky just yet. I have said yes till now...

Please say.

Say yes.

Say yes.

I thought for a second before replying.

Alright yes. I'll go with you. ☺

Awesome! Get prepared for the best evening of your life.

We'll see. We'll see.

Yeah you will. 😉


I love sleep. More than anyone can imagine. And anybody who knows me, knows better than to mess with me while I'm asleep.

And they also know that if they do, I will have planned a hundred ways to kill them before they could even get me to open my eyes.

Or so I thought.

Also I forgot, there are always some exceptions.

And who else would be a better exception than the reincarnation of the Devil or as I once realised the reincarnation of Damon Salvatore.

And it's really fitting considering that just like damon he cannot be categorised in into any of the categories; good or bad.

Damon might do the worst of things like killing Lexi, the most awesome person ever but in the end he makes sacrifices for his loved ones at the right time... So he's the devil with a bit of angel inside him.

Oh wait, where was I? Yes my irrevocable love for sleep. And as I said, there are always some exceptions.

So it happened that I woke up with a sudden need to sneeze and no that is not because a cat entered my room and provoked my allergies, not that I have any.

No it's because that baffoon put a feather up my nose.

God he is so damn annoying!

My eyes opened as I sneezed and so I made sure the next sneeze landed on that imbecile.

"Let me sleep, ass-face." I said while burying my face in the pillow.

"You have to wake up, if you want to make it to school in time." He said as he snatched my pillow from under my head."

"Go away idiot." I said, coveting my face with the blanket.

"Get up it's 7:30, you have literally half an hour to wake up, take a shower, get dressed, eat whatever shitty breakfast you have to and climb into my car. And I sure as hell am not going to get late because of your incompetence."

I was too sleepy to hear anything he said except the last few words. So I replied only to them.

"Oh wow such a big word, beware or you might become a straight A student next." I said while making my way to the washroom. After grudgingly leaving my beloved bed.

I took a shower and got dressed in a black top and blue jeans and then draped a hoodie along with a black coat around it, then I wore my black boots and I was ready to go.

As I headed downstairs I heard uncle say, "Am I seeing things or did she just get up and ready without me having to empty a bucket on her head?"

"This nincompoop took care of that department and I'm sure he enjoyed ruining my morning more than you ever could." I said meanwhile tilting towards him while saying the word nincompoop.

"Why did you wake me up anyways? Why do care about me reaching school on time?"

"Actually I don't. But I do care about myself getting to school on time."

Who is he kidding? No one could care less about being late to school than him. Well no one except Luke that's why they call them the terrible two, they orchestrate the worst of pranks, break every possible rule, and do everything inappropriate together.

"Okay kids no need to be rude." Uncle spoke trying to get rid of the tension in the room.

"Why are you being so kind as to wait for me before driving to school?" I said with a fake smile.

Even though my question was directed towards the idiot and Uncle knew that, he was the one to reply.

"Because I told him to drop you-"

"But I can manage on my own."

"I told him to drop you and so he will do the same for the rest of the year."


I am so so sorry for not updating in a long time.

I hope you people like the chapter. Was it even worth the wait?

The pic above shows our dear Ash and Alli.

Anyways I shall take my leave by saying don't forget to VOTE & COMMENT.

Love, A. ❤

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