"When will you play again?"

            "Ladies please," Mike finally says, "All I am doing is trying to have a nice relaxing day with my wife."

            They all turn towards me and smile.

            "You are so lucky."

            "I love your hair."

            "Your eyes are so blue."

            "Thanks you are very kind."

            "You're welcome." They say in unison

            They wave goodbye and leave.

            "Well that was interesting," Says Mike.

            "Yes, it was now can we do some shopping?" I ask eagerly.

            "Yes, dear."

            We laugh and cross the street when we are at the entrance we look at each other and I say.

            "The usual bet."


            "Ready set go."

            We both rush into one of the malls and go our separate ways. The bet is that we have to find as many shirts, pants, and other clothing that the other person would wear. For example, Mike one time bought a polka dotted mini skirt for me. That is something I would never wear so he had to return. Whoever finds the most outfits under half an hour wins and gets to buy another outfit. I usually win. We only go shopping for clothes together once every four months so we always try to find nice outfits.  

            I run into Ralph Lauren, his favorite fashion store and mine; I go towards the tie section and pick out twenty ties. Mike loves ties I do not know why every time I have asked he has said

            "Umm I just like them."

            I go where some shirts are and pick out three buttoned shirts colored blue, light purple, and red and they have thin white stripes too. I check the time ten minutes to spare I rush towards where some pants are and quickly find his size I find some nice black pants and then I rush towards the cash register and pay. I run back towards our usual meeting spot where Mike is standing holding some bags that say ANN TAYLOR in bold letters. He sure does know me.

            "So I see you have some Ralph Lauren."

            "I see you have Ann Taylor."

            "Switch in three, two, one."

            We drop out bags and pick up the bag opposite us. I look inside mine and see four dresses all my size and all my style. One is navy blue with a button back and its knee length. Another is an orange strapless dress knee length dress that would look great with my denim jacket. The other two are exactly the same style and I am happy they are. One is light purple and the other is light blue they are both have white lace on top of the main color. They are both a little longer then knee length and on the side of them are three white flowers. I look up at him, smile, and say,

            "Thanks Mike you win."

            "Oh please you won I love these ties."

            "No you won now go pick out something nice."

            "Okay wait here."

            He runs off and a few minutes later, he comes back with a Tiffany blue box.

            "Here you are."

            "Oh Mike."

            I open it and inside the box is a diamond bracelet."

            "Oh Mike."

            He helps me put it on and I hug him and kiss him.

            "Shall we go?"

            "Yes we shall."

            We pick up our bags and go out the door towards our car. We get in and it is 1:07. We drive back to our condominium in 10 minutes, which is a new record. We park our car in our spot and go up the elevator to our floor. We get inside and I got towards the bedroom. My back aches and my head hurts I lie down and soon I am fast asleep. I wake up and it is dark out. I rub my eyes, get out of bed, and go towards the main room. Mike is on the couch watching "Top Gun" he looks behind him and sees me. He smiles and turns off the television.

            "Well look who's up."

            "What time is it?"

            "Its 7:30 you sure you are feeling alright you don't want me calling a doctor."

            "No no I am fine, but I am hungry."

            "Lucky for you I made some pasta."


He nods and turns the television back on. I go into the kitchen, grab a plate, and scoop some pasta onto my plate. I grab a fork, go over towards Mike, and sit down. I eat my pasta and when I am finished with it, go back into the kitchen, and place it in the dishwasher. I yawn and say,

            "Mike I'm tired I'm going to go to bed."

            "You sure it's only 8."

            "Yeah I am sure."

            "Alright then goodnight."


            I go into the bedroom, take off my bracelet, and place it in my jewelry box. I change into some pajama pants and a short-sleeved tee shirt. I get in bed and think about what that girl said earlier. I was lucky to have Mike. I could not wish for a more perfect person. I close my eyes and fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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