Chapter 20: Me dead? Yeah right, I'm a freakin' ninja.

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Chapter 20: Me dead? Yeah right, I’m a freakin’ ninja.


        We all sat in the lobby of the hotel. Jack on my left with Katie on my right. To say I’m nervous is an understatement. In all honestly he probably thinks I’m dead. He did have his men shot at the house I was in, if he knew I was in there.

            “Call him,” Dingo ordered me. I glared at him but still grabbed my phone form my butt pocket. I felt Jack stiffen and move closer to me. His leg touching mine brought back to memory of out kiss. After the kiss ended Jack walked right into the elevator. Didn’t even say a word to me, actually he still hasn’t but has been by my side 24/7.

            “Hello?” A girl said.

            “Who this?” I asked my voice coming out dry. I heard commotion going on the other line. A male was talking to her. I felt my breathing hitch.

            “Well, well Alana,” his cold voice came out.

            “That’s all you have to say to me?” I basically screamed.

            “Didn’t think you would live. Guess I was wrong. So let me guess you’re calling for forgiveness. To be on my side. Ditch your boyfriend and all them.”

            I knew after this conversation my pride wasn’t going to be there anymore. “One he isn’t my boyfriend, two I never said I wasn’t on your side.”

            “Well I tried killing you,” he stated.

            “But you failed because I’m a freaking ninja,” I gloated.

            “Hunny I could kill you and fucking little friends.”

            “You don’t even know where I am,” I said looking around.

            “Actually you see that old man to your left with the wooden cane. He’s one of my men.” I felt myself stiffen. “Your so called protectors aren’t as good as you thought they are.”

            “Back off.”



            “Because I always get what I want.”

            “And what do you want?” I growled.

            “You.” He hung up, leaving my phone buzzing. That one work shock me to my core. What does he want with me? I’ve never done anything. Yeah I do a little street racing ever ounce and a while but I don’t think I’m that good.

            I stared at the old man across the room. He just smirked at me from across the room. He has eyes everywhere.  

            “We need to leave,” I tell them all still locking at the man.

            “When are you meeting him?” Jingo asked.

            “No scheduled. But I know that we will be seeing him soon. Just don’t forget he was eyes everywhere,” I growled.  

            “Alana, what did you guys talk about?” Jack asked.

            “He wants me and will stop at nothing to get me,” I told him staring straight in his eyes. He didn’t blink but kept a blank look on his face. I bit my lip.

            “I know that everyone know that,” He stated.

            “I didn’t know! You asshole! There’s a physco path after me. He wants me for god only knows and you don’t tell me! I am so done with you all!” I stood up and stomped over to the old man.

            The man’s brown eyes widen. He was shocked and so was I. I couldn’t believe what I was about to do. I should shoulder to shoulder, face to face with him. Not one of us blinking. He then smirked at me and looked over my shoulder. I didn’t look back. I raised my eyebrows and smirked right back him.

            “You deserve this and anything that comes to you,” I told him. I pulled back my fist and pulled it back and slammed it into his face. His head flung back with the force I put into it and his wig flew across the floor. I heard a high pitch scream behind me but didn’t turn around.

            I bent down beside him with the smirk still on my face.

            “Tell your boss I’m ready for anything that comes my way. And if he hurts anyone I care about World War Three is coming his way. And I’m a freaking ninja who won’t die. I’ll just keep coming back to life. End of story.”


Hello!!! sorry it took my so long to update.. being a freshman and being on the volleyball team takes up a lot of my time and when im home all I want to do is eat and sleep....

this chappie is serious but next will be funnier....

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